ReClick - A framework for network virtualization using programmable hardware
ReClick Installation and Usage
Java SE 1.7 or higher
Eclipse IDE
- Download ReClick package from Github
- Unzip the package
- Install Eclipse IDE in your workstation
- Open Eclipse and specify a workspace of your choice
- Now import ReClick as an eclipse project - Select File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace -> Select root directory -> Specify the directory of ReClick (directory where the build_reclick.xml file exists) -> Finish
Project organization
- reclick [source files for reclick compiler]
- click [source files for click compiler wrapper]
- dataplane [location of dataplane verilog produced from click description]
- tests [location of NetFPGA specific tests for generating packets]
- .click files provide example Click dataplane configurations
- documentation on ReClick grammar
- elements
- rtl [Verilog ReClick modules auto-generated by ReClick compiler from components]
- src [ReClick component library (many elements are work in progress)]
- miscellaneous verilog files used for compilation
- misc scripts for design automation
- internal templates used by ReClick compiler
Build Instructions
- Select Window -> Show View -> Other -> ANT
- Drag and drop build_reclick.xml to ANT window
- Drag and drop build_click.xml to ANT window
- To build ReClick component compiler, expand ReClick tab and double click compile [default] option
- To build Click dataplane compiler, expand Click tab and double click compile [default] option
Usage Instructions
A. Compiling a ReClick component
- Write your ReClick component and place the component under elements/src folder
- Click run under reclick in ANT window
- This will prompt for user input file -> Specify name of reclick file (e.g. DecIPTTL.rclk)
- After compilation, output will be available under elements/rtl folder with the name .v
A. Compiling a Click dataplane configuration
- Write your Click configuration and place under config folder (with the file extension .click). Make sure you use components available in the library.
- Click run under click in ANT window
- This will prompt for user input file -> Specify name of Click configuration file (e.g.
- If compilation is successful, a dataplane (dataplane.v) will be generated under config/dataplane folder.
- The dataplane file can be instantiated within the NetFPGA user datapath.
Contact: [email protected]