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awni committed Nov 29, 2023
1 parent e411fca commit 8ca7f9e
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Showing 130 changed files with 30,159 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
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AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true
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BinPackParameters: false
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AfterEnum: false
AfterFunction: false
AfterNamespace: false
AfterObjCDeclaration: false
AfterStruct: false
AfterUnion: false
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BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
include CMakeLists.txt
recursive-include mlx/ *
include python/src/*
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/cpp/irregular_strides.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#include "mlx/mlx.h"
#include "time_utils.h"

using namespace mlx::core;

void time_irregular_binary_ops_1D() {
auto device = default_device();
int size = 1000000;
int step = 2;
auto a = random::uniform({size});
auto b = random::uniform({size});
eval(a, b);
a = slice(a, {0}, {size}, {step});
b = slice(b, {0}, {size}, {step});
TIMEM("1D strided", add, a, b, device);

void time_irregular_binary_ops_2D() {
auto device = default_device();
int size = 2048;
auto a = random::uniform({size, size});
auto b = random::uniform({size, size});
eval(a, b);
TIMEM("2D regular", add, a, b, device);

b = transpose(b);
TIMEM("2D transpose", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({size});
TIMEM("2D broadcast dim 0", add, a, b, device);

b = reshape(b, {size, 1});
TIMEM("2D broadcast dim 1", add, a, b, device);

void time_irregular_binary_ops_3D() {
auto device = default_device();
int d0 = 32;
int d1 = 512;
int d2 = 512;
auto a = random::uniform({d0, d1, d2});
auto b = random::uniform({d0, d1, d2});
TIMEM("3D regular", add, a, b, device);

b = transpose(b, {0, 2, 1});
TIMEM("3D transpose", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d1, d2});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 0", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d0, 1, d2});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 1", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d0, d1, 1});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 2", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d2});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 0, 1", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d1, 1});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 0, 2", add, a, b, device);

b = random::uniform({d0, 1, 1});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 1, 2", add, a, b, device);

void time_irregular_binary_ops_4D() {
auto device = default_device();
std::vector<int> shape = {8, 8, 512, 512};
auto a = random::uniform(shape);
auto b = random::uniform(shape);

TIMEM("4D regular", add, a, b, device);

b = transpose(b, {0, 1, 3, 2});
TIMEM("4D transpose", add, a, b, device);

std::string om = "4D broadcast dims ";
for (int i = 0; i < shape.size(); ++i) {
shape[i] = 1;
b = random::uniform(shape);
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << om << i;
TIMEM(msg.str(), add, a, b, device);

for (int j = i + 1; j < shape.size(); ++j) {
shape[j] = 1;
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << om << i << ", " << j;
b = random::uniform(shape);
TIMEM(msg.str(), add, a, b, device);
shape[j] = a.shape(j);

for (int k = j + 1; k < shape.size(); ++k) {
shape[k] = 1;
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << om << i << ", " << j << ", " << k;
b = random::uniform(shape);
TIMEM(msg.str(), add, a, b, device);
shape[k] = a.shape(k);
shape[i] = a.shape(i);

void time_irregular_reshape() {
auto device = default_device();
std::vector<int> shape;
auto reshape_fn = [&shape, device](const array& a) {
return reshape(a, shape, device);

int size = 64;
int d = 2 * size;

auto a = random::uniform({d, d, d});

shape = {8 * size, size, size};
TIMEM("3D contiguous", reshape_fn, a);

a = transpose(a);
shape = {8 * size, size, size};
TIMEM("3D transpose", reshape_fn, a);

a = transpose(a, {1, 2, 0});
shape = {8 * size, size, size};
TIMEM("3D transpose dims 1 2", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d, d}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 0", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d, 1, d}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 1", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d, d, 1}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dim 2", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 0, 1", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d, 1}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 0, 2", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({d, 1, 1}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 1, 2", reshape_fn, a);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({1, 1, 1}), {d, d, d});
TIMEM("3D broadcast dims 1, 2, 3", reshape_fn, a);

void time_irregular_astype_1D() {
auto device = default_device();
int size = 1000000;
int step = 2;
auto a = random::uniform({size});
a = slice(a, {0}, {size}, {step});
TIMEM("1D strided", astype, a, int32, device);

void time_irregular_astype_2D() {
auto device = default_device();
int size = 2048;
std::vector<int> shape = {size, size};

auto a = random::uniform(shape);
TIMEM("2D regular", astype, a, int32, device);

a = transpose(a);
TIMEM("2D transpose", astype, a, int32, device);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({size}), shape);
TIMEM("2D broadcast dim 0", astype, a, int32, device);

a = broadcast_to(random::uniform({size, 1}), shape);
TIMEM("2D broadcast dim 1", astype, a, int32, device);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc > 1) {
bool use_gpu = !strcmp(argv[1], "gpu");
set_default_device(use_gpu ? Device::gpu : Device::cpu);
std::cout << "Benchmarks for " << default_device() << std::endl;

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