Practice of using React, Redux and related npm packages, create social network with simplification of functionality
The social network TwitterMaterialUI is written on the basis of Create React App. The entire application is written using a third-party API, including the authorization module. Event handling methods and work with asynchronous requests trough Redux-Saga to the server through axios were actively used. Gradually typing code using TypeScript
- login:
- Authorization through and logout through a third-party API
- Authorization through and logout through a third-party API
- profile:
- Ability to update photo and status for an authorized user
- Ability to add or remove a post from the wall. The wall is common for all users due to API restrictions
- messages:
- Ability to send a chat message to the default user Ability to send a chat message to the default user
- Message history is generated after every rerender
- users:
- Preloader for page load
- The ability to go to the user's page, look at his profile photo, name and status
- Main:
- React / Redux
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Html 5 + CSS 3 (flex layout) + Styled-components
- Other:
- Redux-Saga
- Reselect
- React hook's
- React-redux
- React-router-dom
- Redux-form.
- React HOC/HOF
- Jest
- Axios
- EsLint
- Git
- npm