Zip archive recompressor using Google's zopfli library.
Zipzop is recompression tool that uses Google's compression ratio optimization implementation of the deflate compression algorithm zopfli recompress Zip archives and try to reduce the archive size.
- deflate is used to decompress files in compressed archives.
- It is used to get the source code of zopfli.
The following command will generate an executable binary zipzop
$ git clone git: //
$ make
There are no nice thing like make install
, so please use zipzop
... The number of times to work hard on compression optimization. Specify a number greater than or equal to 1. The larger the value, the better the compression ratio will be, but the processing time will increase in proportion to the value.IN_FILE
... Specify the Zip archive you want to recompress.OUT_FILE
... Specifies the name of the Zip archive after recompression. Please note that it will overwrite the existing file and try to output it.
- Only deflate-compressed files can be recompressed. Files compressed by other compression methods, including deflate64, are output to the archive as is without being recompressed.
- Cannot process encrypted Zip archives.
zlib / libpng license. Please read license.txt for details.
This program uses the following libraries:
- zopfli (Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
- zlib (Copyright 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.)
Visual Studio 2017(Communty Edition可)を用いてWindowsのexeファイルとしてビルドすることができます。
- zlib from NuGet
- zopfli from
zipzop.slnをVisual Studio 2017で開き、"ビルド" > "ソリューションのビルド"を実行してください。
- プラットフォーム"Win32"でビルド → zipzop.exe(32bit版)
- プラットフォーム"x64"でビルド → zipzop-x64.exe(64bit版) (Debug/またはRelease/フォルダ配下に生成)