#tide - terminal integrated development environment
###License: GPL version 3 - no later version option.
###Frequently asked questions: What about allowing later GPL version?
At this point, version 3 is the latest version. Since a later version doesn't yet exist, I can't possibly agree with something that I haven't read. So, any reference to later version is a no go at this point. If the current license is a trouble for you, feel free to contact me, maybe we can find something suitable for everyone.
Why do I need a terminal IDE ?
Some people such as myself find themselves much more comfortable with their command line foo and don't need an IDE for practically anything, and the few places they would like to use one are small and are mostly non existent as standalone tools.
If 'these' people don't need an IDE why tide then ?
tide is not meant to replace your tools but rather to coordinate them, whichever they might be. tide aims to facilitate the management of projects while keeping most tools you love.
##documentation - guidelines + [todo]
initialize a new project
tide init