A react todo app created using the new context api.
To improve the understanding, the project has been structured in this way:
src/ -> source code root.
src/modules -> set of components or functions from a specific domain, like helpers and contexts.
src/components -> react components.
src/flowtypes -> reusable flow types.
To achieve the todo app creation goals, I've used some already existing libraries and frameworks listed below:
- EcmaScript6
- React
- React Context API - application state management.
- Flow - static typing for javascript.
- Styled Components - primitive components styling.
- Create React App - easy build configuration and faster development.
- Jest & Enzime - unit and component tests.
- Prettier - Code formatter.
- Airbnb eslint config - linter base configuration.
- Husky - git hooks.
- Lint-staged - pre-commit linter and prettier execution.
yarn install
yarn start
yarn test