Team name: Boats n Codes
This project is to create a full stack web application that is an AirBnb Clone. MakersBnb will allow users to sign up in order to list, view and rent properties.
During our first engineering project, we learnt a lot about teamwork, project planning, databases, front end development, backend development, web hosting.
ruby 3.0.0
bundle install
Programing languages:
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Sinatra
- Webrick
Database management:
- TablePlus
- PG
- BCrypt for encrypted passwords
- Capybara
- Rspec
- Simplecov
- Rubocop
- Heroku
As a person,
So that I can use the MakersBnB service,
I want to sign up as a new user
As a property owner,
So that I can get a tenant,
I want to list a new space
As a property owner,
So that I can make my room apealling,
I want to be able to provide a description and price for my room
As a property owner,
So that I can get multiple tenants,
I want to be able to list multiple rooms
As a property owner,
So I can show tenants when they can book,
I want to be able to list available dates for my rooms
=> This user story may not be needed in future
As a user,
So that I can rent a room,
I want to sign up as a new user
As a user,
So that I can see what properties are available,
I want to be able to see a list of properties
As a user,
So that I can reserve a room,
I want to be able to book a room
As a user,
So that I can plan my trip,
I want confirmation that I have successfully booked a room
As a tenant,
So that I can book a room,
I want to know if a room is unavailable
As a property owner,
So that my room availability is accurate,
My space(s) will remain available until a user has confirmed a booking request
Clone this repository and then run: bundle
=> Make sure to add info about env vars
Connect to psql
and create the makersbnb
and makersbnb_test
CREATE DATABASE makersbnb_test;
To set up the appropriate tables, connect to each database in psql
and run the SQL scripts in the db/migrations
folder in the given order.
rackup -p 3000
To view rooms, navigate to localhost:3000/rooms
Our team members: