- create variadic function
- challenge is to use syscalls in C to implement printf()
- implement switch/case statements
- code refactorization to increase efficiency of program
- visualizing the flow of how it could work
- asking questions in the zoom calls
- format specifier research on printf(), write(), strlen(), sizeof(), uintptr_t, strlen().
- First begin implementing a convert() function in order to convert decimals into the correct input data type.
- Second begine the int my_printf() function that will utilize a conditional statement, to iterate & execute each variable conversion.
- Third refactor the entire code for higher efficiency and clarity.
- Project installed via terminal
- Utilizing gcc to compile the program
- The project is a correct implementation of the printf() function in C.
- Unit Test Developed
- works according to the custom variable conversion that were asked by the client.
compile && execute:
gcc my_printf.c -o ./my_printf
Made at Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School <img alt='Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School's Logo' src='https://storage.googleapis.com/qwasar-public/qwasar-logo_50x50.png' width='20px'>