Introducing: SocialAyy! A social network built with Express, Node, MongoDB, Passport, EJS, and Cloudinary.
Designed with a responsive mobile-first approach and featuring local authentication with unique user accounts. SocialAyy! is made for sharing your favorite photos with others.
Shared photos appear in the user's profile as well as in the main 'Feed' along with the other user posts. Navigate to a particular post and leave a like and a comment, or edit your own posts. Nested commenting is a planned future optimization.
- In development with beta version is running on
- Server API written with Express/Node.js
- Embedded JavaScript Templating/EJS
- Custom styling with CSS & BootStrap
- Local Authentication using Passport.js
- MongoDB and Mongoose for non-image database storage
- Cloudinary for image storage
I've recently added:
- Unique User profiles
- 'Edit Post' functionality
- Posting and liking comments
- Timestamps on Posts and Comments