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Releases: cyrus2281/gitBranchTool


24 Dec 14:38
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What's Changed

  • Add remote branch deletion support to delete command by @cyrus2281 in #24

Full Changelog: V3.1.1...V3.1.2


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt


Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your shell profile file:

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc

Windows PowerShell

Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your PowerShell profile file:

echo "function prompt { g _ps }" >> $PROFILE


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  get              Get configuration options (Run `g get --help` for more information)
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  set              Set configuration options (Run `g set --help` for more information)
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


03 Nov 23:55
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Fix bug where tool config was not automatically created by @cyrus2281 in #23

Full Changelog: V3.1.0...V3.1.1


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt


Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your shell profile file:

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc

Windows PowerShell

Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your PowerShell profile file:

echo "function prompt { g _ps }" >> $PROFILE


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  get              Get configuration options (Run `g get --help` for more information)
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  set              Set configuration options (Run `g set --help` for more information)
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


29 Oct 01:41
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Added g get command, (moved getHome to get) by @cyrus2281 in #22

Full Changelog: V3.0.7...V3.1.0


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt


Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your shell profile file:

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc

Windows PowerShell

Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your PowerShell profile file:

echo "function prompt { g _ps }" >> $PROFILE


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  get              Get configuration options (Run `g get --help` for more information)
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  set              Set configuration options (Run `g set --help` for more information)
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


25 Oct 04:15
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Add PowerShell Custom Prompt support and fix completion repetition issue by @cyrus2281 in #21

Full Changelog: V3.0.7...V3.0.8


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

    A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt


Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your shell profile file:

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc

Windows PowerShell

Run the following command to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt to your PowerShell profile file:

echo "function prompt { g _ps }" >> $PROFILE


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  set              Set configuration options (Run `g set --help` for more information)
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


25 Oct 03:36
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Add set command with local and global branch prefix & move setDefaultBranch to here by @cyrus2281 in #20

Full Changelog: V3.0.6...V3.0.7


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Run the following command to your terminal profile to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt.

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc
  • Custom prompt is not supported in Windows PowerShell yet.


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  set              Set configuration options (Run `g set --help` for more information)       
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


24 Oct 21:11
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Added promptstring command + updated custom prompt installation by @cyrus2281 in #17

Full Changelog: V3.0.5...V3.0.6


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Run the following command to your terminal profile to add the gitBranchTool custom prompt.

  • Change .bashrc with .zshrc if you use ZSH, or the profile file you use if it's different.
echo -e "\nPROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=\"\$(g _ps)\"'\nprecmd() { eval \"\$PROMPT_COMMAND\"; }" >> ~/.bashrc
  • Custom prompt is not supported in Windows PowerShell yet.


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  setDefaultBranch Change the default branch, default is main
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


21 Oct 02:40
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

Full Changelog: V3.0.4...V3.0.5


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Linux/Unix Bash

Download and load the file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.bashrc

Linux/Unix ZSH

Download and load the file in your .zshrc

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.zshrc


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  setDefaultBranch Change the default branch, default is main
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


20 Oct 04:24
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Fix binary update issue in PowerShell Windows, closes #14 by @cyrus2281 in #15

Full Changelog: V3.0.3...V3.0.4


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Force -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Linux/Unix Bash

Download and load the file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.bashrc

Linux/Unix ZSH

Download and load the file in your .zshrc

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.zshrc


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  setDefaultBranch Change the default branch, default is main
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


19 Oct 20:02
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Added removeEntry command + Added safe check around ensuring alias uniqueness by @cyrus2281 in #13

Full Changelog: V3.0.2...V3.0.3


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Linux/Unix Bash

Download and load the file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.bashrc

Linux/Unix ZSH

Download and load the file in your .zshrc

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.zshrc


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  removeEntry      Removes a registered branch entry without deleting the branch
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  setDefaultBranch Change the default branch, default is main
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.


19 Oct 19:55
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Refactored code base to use the new go-logger package + build script by @cyrus2281 in #12

Full Changelog: V3.0.1...V3.0.2


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

The gitBranchTool, g, command provides additional functionalities around working with git branches.

If you frequently work with long branch names that include developer names, project names, issue numbers, and etc this tool is for you. With gitBranchTool or g, you'll be able to assign alias names for each branch.

You can monitor, switch, and delete your branches using the aliases instead of the long and confusing branch names (g commands support both branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't have to use git for any of your branch switching needs).

Additionally, You can add notes to each branch to fully remember what they were about so you can keep the aliases shorter. You can list branches with their aliases and notes at anytime.

g also provides auto-completion for branch names and aliases, so you wouldn't even have to type the full alias name.

On top of all these, g provides a custom prompt that displays the name of the current repository, sub-directory, branch name, and its alias.



  1. Download the artifact g-linux-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-linux-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g


  1. Download the artifact g-macos-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/

sudo mv g-macos-vX.X.X /usr/local/bin/g
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/g

Windows (PowerShell)

  1. Download the artifact g-win-vX.X.X from the latest release here

  2. Add the binary to your PATH environment variable (or to a directory that is already in your PATH)

A directory that is already in your PATH is C:\Windows\System32\ (you may need to run PowerShell as an administrator)

Move-Item -Path .\g-win-vX.X.X.exe -Destination C:\Windows\System32\g.exe
  1. Ensure the binary has the correct permissions (by default, the permissions are set to Everyone: (RX))
icacls C:\Windows\System32\g.exe /grant 'Everyone:(RX)'


For auto-completion, you can run the following commands based on your shell:

Linux Bash

sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

MacOS Bash

echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d && sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER /etc/bash_completion.d/g && sudo chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/_g && sudo g completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/g"

Linux ZSH

sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"


echo "\nautoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p ${fpath[1]} && sudo touch ${fpath[1]}/_g && USER=$(whoami); sudo chown $USER ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo chmod 755 ${fpath[1]}/_g && sudo g completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_g"

Windows PowerShell

Add the following to your PowerShell profile file ($PROFILE):

g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

For default PowerShell profile file, run the following command:

echo "g completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" >> $PROFILE

Custom Prompt

Linux/Unix Bash

Download and load the file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.bashrc

Linux/Unix ZSH

Download and load the file in your .zshrc

curl -o ~/
echo "\nsource ~/\n" >> ~/.zshrc


A bash tool to facilitate managing git branches with long cryptic names with aliases

  g [command]

Available Commands:
  addAlias         Adds alias and note to a branch that is not stored yet
  completion       Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create           Creates a branch with name, alias, and note, and checks into it
  currentBranch    Returns the name of active branch with alias and note
  delete           Deletes listed branches base on name or alias
  getBranchAlias   Gets the branch alias
  getHome          Get the gitBranchTool's home directory path
  help             Help about any command
  list             Lists all branches with their name, alias, and notes
  rename           Updates the alias for the given branch name
  resolveAlias     Resolves the branch name from an alias
  setDefaultBranch Change the default branch, default is main
  switch           Switches to the branch with the given name or alias
  updateBranchNote Adds/updates the notes for a branch base on name/alias
  updateCheck      Checks if a newer version is available

  -h, --help      help for g
  -N, --no-log    no logs
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for g

Use "g [command] --help" for more information about a command.