- Fix documentation NOTEs
Version 0.5.0
deprecated -
Fix bug where fix = TRUE couldn't be passed to mnsl(), issue (#10). Thanks to @bryanhanson
Fix to work with ggplot2
move README images to folder that CRAN can find
Version 0.4.3
many fixes to remove R CMD check notes/warnings fixes issue (#5)
fix bug that gave incorrect greys
add functions rygbp and pbgyr to change the hue of a colour
add function mnsl2hvc to pull apart a munsell string
reimplement altering functions to make use of mnsl2hvc and hvc2mnsl
fix plot_mnsl to show multiple swatches of identical colour
lighter, darker, saturate and desaturate take an additional argument 'steps' to specify how many steps to take.
Version 0.4.2
hues with zero chroma are now defined but are named using the corresponding
grey (i.e. 5B 0/4 is equivalent to N 0/4) (fixes issue #3) -
fixed slice_complement to display correct colours (issue #2).
Version 0.4.1
- fixed plot_hex to preserve order of colours (fix courtesy of https://github.com/sebastian-c)
Version 0.4
- fixed plotting functions to work with new themeing system in ggplot2 0.9.2
Version 0.3
- put lookup code data in the right place to avoid namespace problems.
Version 0.2
- added a NAMESPACE and removed package dependencies - colorspace is now
imported, and ggplot2 is only a suggestion - you don't need it if you're
using munsell only for colour choice, not for visualising the space.