NOTE: Use Chrome if possible, Chrome is more stable than Chromium
Get available slots from
Notify by
- Console print
- Play a notif sound
- Send emails
node version: v16.13.2
npm install
QUERYNO='[Query NO, ask me if you don't know how to get it]' \
EMAIL='[Your Account Email]' \
PASSWORD='[Your Account Password]' \
INTERVAL='[Crawl Interval in Minute]' \
LOWER='[Notify if found at least n days from now]' \
UPPER='[Notify if found at most n days from now]' \
SENDER='[Sender email (outlook)]' \
SENDERPSWD='[Sender email account password]' \
RECEIVERS='[List of receiver emails]' \
npm start
QUERYNO='37002109' \
EMAIL='[email protected]' \
PASSWORD='apasswordisapassowrd' \
LOWER='7' \
UPPER='365' \
SENDER='[email protected]' \
SENDERPSWD='********' \
RECEIVERS='["[email protected]","[email protected]"]' \
npm start
- On Arm Linux, add executablePath param pointing to chromium binary. For example, on Raspberry Pi OS,
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
executablePath: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser'