A simple multi-user time management system created to demonstrate a fully-functioning web-app.
Frontend in Svelte, backend in Kotlin with Ktor and kotlinx.serialization, with persistence in SQLite via Exposed. Packaged up with Docker.
The easiest way to build, assuming you have Docker installed:
docker build . -t timemanagement
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 timemanagement
- Visit http://localhost:8080 in a web browser
This uses a multi-stage build process for an efficient final image.
- Install UI dependencies:
cd ui && npm install
- Build the UI:
cd ui && npm run build
- Build the backend:
mvn package
- Run the app:
java -jar target/time-management-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Visit http://localhost:8080 in a web browser
To run tests, run mvn test
Upon login, users have ADMIN permission by default. This is for demonstration purposes only.
Security is handled by a session ID in a HttpOnly cookie, with passwords hashed with PBKDF2 and salted. The salted can be overridden with a PASSWORD_HASH environment variable. There is no requirement for password complexity.
Fixes required:
- Populate database with default users, instead of having admins by default.
- Regular users don't have the colouring feature implemented.
- For admins, there's missing the green colouring for entries.
- No pagination nor lazy loading implemented.
- Managers have access to the user's entries but not to the user's profiles.
- When admin deletes himself, he can still use the app.