A portable Parser Expression Grammar.
For more information see: pPEG.
To see a demo try the dingus web-page.
To develop your own pPEG grammar use the peg-play command line tool.
The peg-play.mjs module is a small node.js command line tool to compile and run files with a pPEG grammar and input text test(s).
The play/ directory has some examples for peg-play.mjs to run.
The examples/ directory has examples of how to use pPEG in JavaScript.
This repo is an implementation of pPEG in JavaScript, for other languages see: INDEX.
To use pPEG the single file JavaScript module pPEG.mjs is all you need. It has no dependencies, it can be run in Node.js or in a browser.
import peg from './pPEG.mjs'
// Equivalent to the regular expression for well-formed URI's in RFC 3986.
const pURI = peg.compile(`
URI = (scheme ':')? ('//' auth)? path ('?' query)? ('#' frag)?
scheme = ~[:/?#]+
auth = ~[/?#]*
path = ~[?#]*
query = ~'#'*
frag = ~[ \t\n\r]*
if (!pURI.ok) throw "URI grammar error:\n"+pURI.show_err();
const test = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/#Related";
const uri = pURI.parse(test);
if (uri.ok) console.log(uri.show_ptree());
else console.log(uri.show_err());
uri.ptree =
uri.show_ptree() =>
├─scheme "http"
├─auth "www.ics.uci.edu"
├─path "/pub/ietf/uri/"
└─frag "Related"
The import
provides a peg
object with a compile
function which takes a string that defines your grammar.
The compile
result is an parser object with a parse
ok: boolean, true if there are no errors,
err: int, # an error code, 0=ok, 1=panic, ...
show_err: () => a full error report.
parse: (String) => parser object
The parser.parse
function takes a string and generates a parse-tree object:
ok: boolean, true if there are no errors,
err: int, # an error code, 0=ok, 1=panic, ...
show_err: () => a full error report.
ptree: parse_tree object,
show_ptree: (fmt) => ptree pretty print string.
# default ascii-art tree,
# fmt=true for json format.
The ptree
parse tree type is JSON data, as defined in pPEG.