deno run -A npm:sv@latest create my-app
cd my-app
deno add npm:@types/deno
⚠️ Soon this won't be needed, follow this issue for updates
I like sveltekit-adapter-deno
The rest of the instructions are tailored to using this adapter, adjust as needed if you choose differently.
deno remove @sveltejs/adapter-auto
deno add npm:sveltekit-adapter-deno
Update svelte.config.js
- import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';
+ import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-deno';
Install dependencies
deno install
Run the dev server
deno task dev
deno task build
Run production server
deno run -REN build/mod.ts
Create project on deno deploy and link repo
Svelte will be automatically selected as the framework preset
Open advanced settings
- Set "Install Step" to
deno install
- Set "Build Step" to
deno task build
- Set "Root directory" to
- Set "Entrypoint" to
Alternatively, deploy from the command line:
deno task build
cd build
deployctl deploy --project=<project-name> --entrypoint=mod.ts