Welcome to Akeneo PIM Product.
This repository is used to develop the Akeneo PIM product. Practically, it means the Akeneo PIM bundles are present in the src/ directory.
If you want to create a new PIM project based on Akeneo PIM, please use http://www.github.com/akeneo/pim-community-standard
If you want to contribute to the Akeneo PIM (and we will be pleased if you do!), you can fork this repository and submit a pull request.
- PHP 5.4.* above 5.4.4
- PHP Modules:
- php5-curl
- php5-gd
- php5-intl
- php5-mysql
- php5-mcrypt
- php-apc for PHP 5.4 (opcode and data cache)
- php5-apcu for PHP 5.5 (for data cache, as opcode cache usually included)
- PHP memory_limit at least at 256 MB on Apache side and 728 MB on CLI side (needed for installation, can be lowered to 512MB after installation for PHP-CLI)
- MySQL 5.1 or above
- Apache mod rewrite enabled
- Java JRE (for compressing the JavaScript via YUI Compressor)
- tested: Chrome & Firefox
- should work: IE 10, Safari
- will not work: IE < 10
To install Akeneo PIM for a PIM project or for evaluation, please follow: http://docs.akeneo.com/latest/installation/installation_workstation.html
The following installation overview is for contributing to Akeneo PIM, not for project purpose.
- Make sure all requirements are fullfilled
- Install files and DB content:
$ curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ git clone [email protected]:akeneo/pim-community-dev.git
$ cd pim-community-dev
$ php ../composer.phar install
$ php app/console pim:install --env=dev
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=dev
- Create a VirtualHost pointing to your pim-community-dev/web directory and a matching hostname
- Go to http:///app_dev.php to access your dev environment
Note: using the "--prefer-dist" option on composer install can speed up the installation by looking into your local Composer cache.
Note: The pim:install command can be executed several times if you need to reinit your db or redeploy your assets.
You just have to use the --force
By default, this script initializes the dev environment.
You can download translation packs from crowdin: http://crowdin.net/project/akeneo
The Akeneo PIM archive contains the following directories tree: <locale>/<version>/<translation_directories>
You just have to paste the <translation_directories> in your app/Resources/ directory.
You must give write permission to the Apache user on the following directories:
- app/cache
- app/logs
- app/entities
- app/import
- app/export
- app/emails
- web/bundles
- app/uploads/product
- app/archive