A Computational Linguistics/NLP reading group at the University of Arizona.
The group will be meeting nearly every Friday during the Spring 2017 semester on the ninth floor of Gould-Simpson from 2-3PM in room 856.
Everyone is welcome to participate (faculty and students alike). The only expectation is that participants read the paper scheduled for that week ahead of time.
The group will be meeting nearly every Friday during the Fall 2017 semester on the ninth floor of Gould-Simpson from 2-3PM in room 906.
Everyone is welcome to participate (faculty and students alike). The only expectation is that participants read the paper scheduled for that week ahead of time.
We'll have an informal get together every other Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00 at Connect CoWorking downtown. Each session someone will present something more "practical" in nature (an implementation, a new software, a problem they are having.
See here for details about location and parking.