$ pip3 install tensorflow==1.6.0 sklearn scipy
- Word Embedding(词向量)
- Text Classification(文本分类)
- Text Generation(文本生成)
- Text Control(文本控制)
- Sequence Labelling(序列标记)
- Sequence to Sequence(序列到序列)
- Memory Networks(记忆网络)
Char-RNN Model | English Story Test | Chinese Address Test
- Char-RNN + Beam-Search Model | English Story Test | Chinese Address Test
Only-Attention Model | English Story Test Result | Chinese Address Test Result
Bi-RNN + CRF Model POS Tagging Test Chinese Segmentation Test
Only-Attention + CRF Model POS Tagging Test Chinese Segmentation Test
Seq2Seq Model Sorting Test
Seq2Seq + Attention Model Sorting Test
Seq2Seq + BiLSTM Encoder Model Sorting Test
Seq2Seq + Beam-Search Model Sorting Test
Seq2Seq + BiLSTM Encoder + Attention + Beam-Search Model Sorting Test
Pointer Network Model Sorting Test
The following command clones all the files (it is large due to historical reasons, sorry)
git clone https://github.com/zhedongzheng/finch.git
Use contents to find the model and test that may interest you, click on that test
Find the test file path
run on command line
cd finch/nlp-models/tensorflow python rnn_attn_estimator_imdb_test.py
- Is the function "add_encoder_layer" in "seq2seq_ultimate.py" correct?
- in vae code,how to use LSTMcell?