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gares committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent b1e233c commit 26c170d
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Showing 35 changed files with 751 additions and 749 deletions.
227 changes: 37 additions & 190 deletions language-server/dm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,22 +11,17 @@
(* See LICENSE file. *)
(* *)
open Gramlib
open Rocq_worker.Types
open Types
open Lsp.Types
open Scheduler

let Log log = Log.mk_log "document"
let Misc.Log.Log log = Misc.Log.mk_log "document"

module LM = Map.Make (Int)

module SM = Map.Make (Stateid)

type proof_block_type =
| TheoremKind of Decls.theorem_kind
| DefinitionType of Decls.definition_object_kind
| InductiveType of Vernacexpr.inductive_kind
| Other

type proof_step = {
id: sentence_id;
Expand All @@ -37,7 +32,7 @@ type proof_step = {
type outline_element = {
id: sentence_id;
name: string;
type_: proof_block_type;
type_: Synterp.outline_type;
statement: string;
proof: proof_step list;
range: Range.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +106,7 @@ type parse_state = {
top_id: sentence_id option;
loc: Loc.t option;
synterp_state : Vernacstate.Synterp.t;
stream: (unit, char) Gramlib.Stream.t;
stream: (unit, char) Stream.t;
raw: RawDocument.t;
parsed: pre_sentence list;
errors: parsing_error list;
Expand All @@ -136,7 +131,7 @@ let pp_event fmt = function
type events = event Sel.Event.t list

let create_parsing_event event =
let priority = Some PriorityManager.parsing in
let priority = Some Misc.PriorityManager.parsing in ?priority event

let range_of_sentence raw (sentence : sentence) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,17 +178,7 @@ let record_outline document id (ast : Synterp.vernac_control_entry) classif (out
match classif with
| VtProofStep _ | VtQed _ -> push_proof_step_in_outline document id outline
| VtStartProof (_, names) ->
let vernac_gen_expr = ast.v.expr in
let type_ = match vernac_gen_expr with
| VernacSynterp _ -> None
| VernacSynPure pure ->
match pure with
| Vernacexpr.VernacStartTheoremProof (kind, _) -> Some (TheoremKind kind)
| Vernacexpr.VernacDefinition ((_, def), _, _) -> Some (DefinitionType def)
| Vernacexpr.VernacFixpoint (_, _) -> Some (DefinitionType Decls.Fixpoint)
| Vernacexpr.VernacCoFixpoint (_, _) -> Some (DefinitionType Decls.CoFixpoint)
| _ -> None
let type_ = Synterp.outline_entry_of ast in
let name = match names with
|[] -> "default"
| n :: _ -> Names.Id.to_string n
Expand All @@ -207,19 +192,12 @@ let record_outline document id (ast : Synterp.vernac_control_entry) classif (out
element :: outline
| VtSideff (names, _) ->
let vernac_gen_expr = ast.v.expr in
let type_, statement = match vernac_gen_expr with
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacExtend _) when names <> [] -> Some Other, "external"
| VernacSynterp _ -> None, ""
| VernacSynPure pure ->
match pure with
| Vernacexpr.VernacStartTheoremProof (kind, _) -> Some (TheoremKind kind), string_of_id document id
| Vernacexpr.VernacDefinition ((_, def), _, _) -> Some (DefinitionType def), string_of_id document id
| Vernacexpr.VernacInductive (kind, _) -> Some (InductiveType kind), string_of_id document id
| Vernacexpr.VernacFixpoint (_, _) -> Some (DefinitionType Decls.Fixpoint), string_of_id document id
| Vernacexpr.VernacCoFixpoint (_, _) -> Some (DefinitionType Decls.CoFixpoint), string_of_id document id
| _ -> None, ""
let type_ = Synterp.outline_entry_of ast in
let statement =
match type_ with
| None -> ""
| Some Other when names <> [] -> "external"
| Some _ -> string_of_id document id in
let name = match names with
|[] -> "default"
| n :: _ -> Names.Id.to_string n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,12 +294,12 @@ let sentences_sorted_by_loc parsed =

let sentences_before parsed loc =
let (before,ov,_after) = LM.split loc parsed.sentences_by_end in
let before = Option.cata (fun v -> LM.add loc v before) before ov in
let before = Option.fold ~some:(fun v -> LM.add loc v before) ~none:before ov in (fun (_id,s) -> s) @@ LM.bindings before

let sentences_after parsed loc =
let (_before,ov,after) = LM.split loc parsed.sentences_by_end in
let after = Option.cata (fun v -> LM.add loc v after) after ov in
let after = Option.fold ~some:(fun v -> LM.add loc v after) ~none:after ov in (fun (_id,s) -> s) @@ LM.bindings after

let parsing_errors_before parsed loc =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,25 +403,11 @@ type diff =
| Added of pre_sentence list
| Equal of (sentence_id * pre_sentence) list

let tok_equal t1 t2 =
let open Tok in
match t1, t2 with
| KEYWORD s1, KEYWORD s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2
| IDENT s1, IDENT s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2
| FIELD s1, FIELD s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2
| NUMBER n1, NUMBER n2 -> NumTok.Unsigned.equal n1 n2
| STRING s1, STRING s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2
| BULLET s1, BULLET s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2
| EOI, EOI -> true
| QUOTATION(s1,t1), QUOTATION(s2,t2) -> CString.equal s1 s2 && CString.equal t1 t2
| _ -> false

let same_tokens (s1 : sentence) (s2 : pre_sentence) =
match s1.ast, s2.ast with
| Error _, Error _ -> false
| Parsed ast1, Parsed ast2 ->
CList.equal tok_equal ast1.tokens ast2.tokens
| Parsed ast1, Parsed ast2 -> Tok.same_tokens ast1.tokens ast2.tokens
| _, _ -> false

(* TODO improve diff strategy (insertions,etc) *)
Expand All @@ -461,96 +425,15 @@ let rec diff old_sentences new_sentences =

let string_of_diff_item doc = function
| Deleted ids ->
ids |> (fun id -> Printf.sprintf "- (id: %d) %s" (Stateid.to_int id) (string_of_parsed_ast (Option.get (get_sentence doc id)).ast))
ids |> (fun id -> Printf.sprintf "- (id: %s) %s" (Stateid.to_string id) (string_of_parsed_ast (Option.get (get_sentence doc id)).ast))
| Added sentences ->
sentences |> (fun (s : pre_sentence) -> Printf.sprintf "+ %s" (string_of_parsed_ast s.ast))
| Equal l ->
l |> (fun (id, (s : pre_sentence)) -> Printf.sprintf "= (id: %d) %s" (Stateid.to_int id) (string_of_parsed_ast s.ast))
l |> (fun (id, (s : pre_sentence)) -> Printf.sprintf "= (id: %s) %s" (Stateid.to_string id) (string_of_parsed_ast s.ast))

let string_of_diff doc l =
String.concat "\n" (List.flatten ( (string_of_diff_item doc) l))

[%%if coq = "8.18" || coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let get_keyword_state = Pcoq.get_keyword_state
let get_keyword_state = Procq.get_keyword_state

let rec stream_tok n_tok acc str begin_line begin_char =
let e = (get_keyword_state ()) str in
match e with
| Tok.EOI ->
List.rev acc
| _ ->
stream_tok (n_tok+1) (e::acc) str begin_line begin_char
let parse_one_sentence stream ~st =
let pa = Pcoq.Parsable.make stream in
Vernacstate.Parser.parse st (Pvernac.main_entry (Some (Vernacinterp.get_default_proof_mode ()))) pa
(* FIXME: handle proof mode correctly *)

[%%if coq = "8.18" || coq = "8.19"]
let parse_one_sentence ?loc stream ~st =
Vernacstate.Synterp.unfreeze st;
let entry = Pvernac.main_entry (Some (Synterp.get_default_proof_mode ())) in
let pa = Pcoq.Parsable.make ?loc stream in
let sentence = Pcoq.Entry.parse entry pa in
(sentence, [])
[%%elif coq = "8.20"]
let parse_one_sentence ?loc stream ~st =
Vernacstate.Synterp.unfreeze st;
Flags.record_comments := true;
let entry = Pvernac.main_entry (Some (Synterp.get_default_proof_mode ())) in
let pa = Pcoq.Parsable.make ?loc stream in
let sentence = Pcoq.Entry.parse entry pa in
let comments = Pcoq.Parsable.comments pa in
(sentence, comments)
let parse_one_sentence ?loc stream ~st =
Vernacstate.Synterp.unfreeze st;
Flags.record_comments := true;
let entry = Pvernac.main_entry (Some (Synterp.get_default_proof_mode ())) in
let pa = Procq.Parsable.make ?loc stream in
let sentence = Procq.Entry.parse entry pa in
let comments = Procq.Parsable.comments pa in
(sentence, comments)

let rec junk_sentence_end stream =
match Stream.npeek () 2 stream with
| ['.'; (' ' | '\t' | '\n' |'\r')] -> Stream.junk () stream
| [] -> ()
| _ -> Stream.junk () stream; junk_sentence_end stream

[%%if coq = "8.18"]
exception E = Stream.Error
exception E = Grammar.Error

[%%if coq = "8.18" || coq = "8.19"]
let get_loc_from_info_or_exn e info =
match e with
| Synterp.UnmappedLibrary (_, qid) -> qid.loc
| Synterp.NotFoundLibrary (_, qid) -> qid.loc
| _ -> Loc.get_loc @@ info
let get_loc_from_info_or_exn _ info =
Loc.get_loc info

(* let get_qf_from_info info = Quickfix.get_qf info *)

[%%if coq = "8.18" || coq = "8.19"]
let get_entry ast = Synterp.synterp_control ast
let get_entry ast =
let intern = Vernacinterp.fs_intern in
Synterp.synterp_control ~intern ast

let handle_parse_error start parsing_start msg qf ({stream; errors; parsed;} as parse_state) synterp_state =
log (fun () -> "handling parse error at " ^ string_of_int start);
Expand All @@ -566,60 +449,24 @@ let handle_parse_error start parsing_start msg qf ({stream; errors; parsed;} as
let handle_parse_more ({loc; synterp_state; stream; raw; parsed; parsed_comments} as parse_state) =
let start = Stream.count stream in
log (fun () -> "Start of parse is: " ^ (string_of_int start));
(* FIXME should we save lexer state? *)
match parse_one_sentence ?loc stream ~st:synterp_state with
| None, _ (* EOI *) -> create_parsing_event (Invalidate parse_state)
| Some ast, comments ->
let stop = Stream.count stream in
let begin_line, begin_char, end_char =
match ast.loc with
| Some lc -> lc.line_nb, lc.bp, lc.ep
| None -> assert false
let str = String.sub (RawDocument.text raw) begin_char (end_char - begin_char) in
let sstr = Stream.of_string str in
let lex = CLexer.Lexer.tok_func sstr in
let tokens = stream_tok 0 [] lex begin_line begin_char in
log (fun () -> "Parsed: " ^ (Pp.string_of_ppcmds @@ Ppvernac.pr_vernac ast));
let entry = get_entry ast in
let classification = Vernac_classifier.classify_vernac ast in
let synterp_state = Vernacstate.Synterp.freeze () in
let parsed_ast = Parsed { ast = entry; classification; tokens } in
let sentence = { parsing_start = start; ast = parsed_ast; start = begin_char; stop; synterp_state } in
let parsed = sentence :: parsed in
let comments = (fun ((start, stop), content) -> {start; stop; content}) comments in
let parsed_comments = List.append comments parsed_comments in
let loc = ast.loc in
let parse_state = {parse_state with parsed_comments; parsed; loc; synterp_state} in
create_parsing_event (ParseEvent parse_state)
with exn ->
let e, info = Exninfo.capture exn in
let loc = get_loc_from_info_or_exn e info in
let qf = Result.value ~default:[] @@ Quickfix.from_exception e in
handle_parse_error start begin_char (loc, CErrors.iprint_no_report (e,info)) (Some qf) parse_state synterp_state
| exception (E _ as exn) ->
let e, info = Exninfo.capture exn in
let loc = get_loc_from_info_or_exn e info in
let qf = Result.value ~default:[] @@ Quickfix.from_exception e in
junk_sentence_end stream;
handle_parse_error start start (loc, CErrors.iprint_no_report (e, info)) (Some qf) {parse_state with stream} synterp_state
| exception (CLexer.Error.E _ as exn) -> (* May be more problematic to handle for the diff *)
let e, info = Exninfo.capture exn in
let loc = get_loc_from_info_or_exn e info in
let qf = Result.value ~default:[] @@ Quickfix.from_exception exn in
junk_sentence_end stream;
handle_parse_error start start (loc,CErrors.iprint_no_report (e, info)) (Some qf) {parse_state with stream} synterp_state
| exception exn ->
let e, info = Exninfo.capture exn in
let loc = Loc.get_loc @@ info in
let qf = Result.value ~default:[] @@ Quickfix.from_exception exn in
junk_sentence_end stream;
handle_parse_error start start (loc, CErrors.iprint_no_report (e,info)) (Some qf) {parse_state with stream} synterp_state
match Rocq_worker.API.parse_and_synterp_one_sentence_err ?loc (RawDocument.text raw) stream ~st:synterp_state with
| None (* EOI *) -> create_parsing_event (Invalidate parse_state)
| Some { ast; classification; synterp_state; parsed = { loc; stop; begin_char; tokens; comments }} ->
log (fun () -> "Parsed: " ^ "TODO"
(* (Rocq_worker.API.Pure.string_of_ppcmds @@ Ppvernac.pr_vernac ast) *)
let parsed_ast = Parsed { ast; classification; tokens } in
let sentence = { parsing_start = start; ast = parsed_ast; start = begin_char; stop; synterp_state } in
let parsed = sentence :: parsed in
let comments = (fun ((start, stop), content) -> {start; stop; content}) comments in
let parsed_comments = List.append comments parsed_comments in
let parse_state = {parse_state with parsed_comments; parsed; loc = Some loc; synterp_state} in
create_parsing_event (ParseEvent parse_state)
| exception Rocq_worker.API.ParseError (loc,msg,qf) ->
Rocq_worker.API.junk_sentence_end stream;
handle_parse_error start start (loc, msg) qf {parse_state with stream} synterp_state
| exception Rocq_worker.API.SynterpError ({ begin_char}, loc,msg,qf) ->
handle_parse_error start begin_char (loc, msg) qf parse_state synterp_state

let rec unchanged_id id = function
| [] -> id
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,7 +526,7 @@ let validate_document ({ parsed_loc; raw_doc; cancel_handle } as document) =
log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "Parsing more from pos %i" stop);
let started = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let parsed_state = {stop; top_id;synterp_state; stream; raw=raw_doc; parsed=[]; errors=[]; parsed_comments=[]; loc=None; started; previous_document=document} in
let priority = Some PriorityManager.parsing in
let priority = Some Misc.PriorityManager.parsing in
let event = ?priority (ParseEvent parsed_state) in
let cancel_handle = Some (Sel.Event.get_cancellation_handle event) in
{document with cancel_handle}, [ ?priority (ParseEvent parsed_state)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -750,7 +597,7 @@ module Internal = struct
let string_of_error error =
let (_, pp) = error.msg in
Format.sprintf "[parsing error] [%s] (%i -> %i)"
(Pp.string_of_ppcmds pp)
(Rocq_worker.API.Pure.string_of_ppcmds pp)

Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions language-server/dm/document.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@

open Types
open Lsp.Types
open Rocq_worker.Types

(** This file defines operations on the content of a document (text, parsing
of sentences, scheduling). *)
Expand All @@ -22,12 +23,6 @@ open Lsp.Types
sentences *)
type document

type proof_block_type =
| TheoremKind of Decls.theorem_kind
| DefinitionType of Decls.definition_object_kind
| InductiveType of Vernacexpr.inductive_kind
| Other

type proof_step = {
id: sentence_id;
tactic: string;
Expand All @@ -37,7 +32,7 @@ type proof_step = {
type outline_element = {
id: sentence_id;
name: string;
type_: proof_block_type;
type_: Synterp.outline_type;
statement: string;
proof: proof_step list;
range: Range.t;
Expand Down

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