A searchable map showing the context of LAGOS-US lakes.
Use this map to:
- Determine whether a lake is included in LAGOS-US
- Find a lake using lagoslakeid, NHD Permanent_Identifier, or lake name (GNIS or LAGOS)
- View and explore a group of lakes using the list search
- Display your choice of basemap (NHD, OpenStreetMap, NLCD, WBD) to see the lake's context including network connectivity
- Click for pop-ups showing a summary of a few variable from LAGOS-US
<<<<<<< HEAD ![Lake name search example] (lagos-map-1.png?raw=true "Search for a lake by name") ![Lake zoomed in showing network and landscape context] (lagos-map-12.png?raw=true "See the geographic context for a lake")
![Lake name search example] (./lagos-map-1.png?raw=true "Search for a lake by name") ![Lake zoomed in showing network and landscape context] (./lagos-map-12png?raw=true "See the geographic context for a lake")