Website for Community Privacy. Site uses al-folio template.
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
- Clone repo
$ git clone [email protected]:community-privacy/
- Local setup (As of 12/13/24, there is an error with the docker image on the forked repo.)
$ bundle install
# assuming pip is your Python package manager
$ pip install jupyter
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
- Open your browser and go to
For additional installation and deployment details please refer to
Currently, we run some checks to ensure that the code quality and generated site are good. The checks are done using GitHub Actions and the following tools:
- Prettier - check if the formatting of the code follows the style guide
- lychee - check for broken links
- Axe (need to run manually) - do some accessibility testing
To set these up:
$ npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier # Install prettier
$ npx prettier . --write # Run prettier
lychee: (This took too long to install for me lol so I skipped it personally... -RW)
$ brew install lychee # Install lychee
$ lychee . # Run lychee
$ npm install axe-core --save-dev
For searching "SEARCH TERM"
: (remove quotes)
$ grep -r --exclude-dir=vendor --exclude-dir=_site --exclude-dir=assets --exclude-dir=node_modules --exclude-dir=lighthouse_results "SEARCH TERM"
Before pushing changes:
# Lint and prettify code
$ npx prettier --write .