Repo for the funding service design funding rounds store.
Built with Flask.
- python ^= 3.10
Clone the repository
python3 -m venv .venv
...either macOS using bash:
source .venv/bin/activate
...or if on Windows using Command Prompt:
From the top-level directory enter the command to install pip and the dependencies of the project
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r requirements.txt
Enter the virtual environment as described above, then:
flask run
These are the current pipelines running on the repo:
- Deploy to Gov PaaS - This is a simple pipeline to demonstrate capabilities. Builds, tests and deploys a simple python application to the PaaS for evaluation in Dev and Test Only.
To run all tests in a development environment run:
This repo comes with a .pre-commit-config.yaml, if you wish to use this do the following while in your virtual enviroment:
pip install pre-commit black
pre-commit install
Once the above is done you will have autoformatting and pep8 compliance built into your workflow. You will be notified of any pep8 errors during commits.
In deploy.yml, there are three environment variables called users, spawn-rate and run-time. These are used to override the locust config if the performance tests need to run with different configs for round store.