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Cognite function template [1.7.0]

NB: Due to how we have to deploy code, running locally requires an extra step. Please read it!

This repository can be used as a template on how to use and deploy code/models to Cognite Functions within a CI/CD pipeline using OIDC. It uses different GitHub workflows with the key component being the GitHub action function-action-oidc.


As of September 8, 2021 these are the required steps to use Cognite Functions with OIDC (hereinafter referred to as Functions):

  1. The CDF project you will deploy functions to needs to be setup for OIDC authentication! For the foreseeable future, we assume the identity provider (IdP) will be Azure Active Directory (AAD).
  2. In the most likely scenario you do not have access to this, so you need to request the following from the customer's IT department. (If you do have access, either through a personal test project or for some other reason, you can create them yourself!)
    • 1 app registration for the deployment service principal
    • [optional] If you need your functions to be run on schedule(s): 1 additional app registration for the schedules service principal
    • Create a client secret for both, then store them immediately in LastPass or similar together with the corresponding client ID for the app registration. You'll find that under Overview / Application (client) ID.
    • The deployment service principal must be added as a member to an existing (or create a new) AAD security group that is then linked to a CDF group with capabilities necessary for functions deployment. The way you link these is by copying the Object ID of the AAD group and using that as the Source ID for the CDF group. The latest updated deployment requirements can be found on Confluence / Cognite Functions, but typically require the following:
      • Functions:WRITE and Functions:READ in scope: all
      • Files:READ and Files:WRITE in scope: all OR scoped to a data set (recommended, but then you also need dataset capabilities like Datasets:READ - and if it is write protected, Datasets:OWNER as well!)
      • Projects:LIST in scope: all
      • Groups:LIST in scope: all OR scoped to "current user" (i.e. list its own groups)
    • The schedule service principal needs a special capability:
      • Sessions:CREATE in scope: all
      • And all other capabilites needed to run the function
      • ...but don't worry too much about making sure all of these are 100 % correct: the action used by this template, namely the function-action-oidc, will list all missing capabilities for you! 🙌

Structure of this repository


Here you can find two simple functions implemented: example_function1 and example_function2.

The first function, example_function1, implements a basic echo capability and prints and sends back any content it receives. The second, example_function2 implements an "A+B problem" solver and has expectations for the data it receives, which then might raise an exception.

Generally a function, named my_cognite_function in the example below, consists of the following files:

 ┣ 📂schedules
 ┃ ┗ 📜test.yaml - (Optional) Schedule config for test environment.
 ┃ ┗ 📜prod.yaml - (Optional) Schedule config for prod environment.
 ┃ ┗ 📜???.yaml - (Optional) Schedule config for ??? environment.
 ┣ 📜 - Empty file (required to make the function into a package)
 ┣ 📜function_config.yaml - Configuration for the function
 ┣ 📜function_config_???.yaml - Configuration for the function for ??? env (e.g. test, prod)
 ┣ 📜 - Module with script inside a handle function
 ┗ 📜requirements.txt - Explicitly states the dependencies needed to run the script.

Each function's folder contains a schedules folder where you can put your files that define your schedules. The file has to be named {environment_name}.yaml (e.g. test.yaml, prod.yaml etc). We have added a file here called test.yaml which will be used for test environment (read more in the "deployment" section). If you don't need any schedules for a specific function, just delete it!


- name: My daily schedule
  cron: "0 0 * * *"
    lovely-parameter: True
    greeting: "World"

Each function's folder contains a function_config.yaml file where you can specify most configuration parameters (per function). These parameters are extracted and used by the Github Workflow files during deployment (read more in the "build and deployment" section).

Example template, see function details for description of all configuration parameters.

description: "Analysis performed by my_cognite_function"
owner: [email protected]
  version: "1.0.0"

Each function's folder can have an optional environment specific config files named function_config_{environment}.yaml, where you can specify configuration parameters specific for the environment and the function. These parameters are extracted and used by the Github Workflow files during deployment (read more in the "build and deployment" section) and will override elements set in function_config.yaml file.

Example template, see function details for description of all configuration parameters.

data_set_id: 7289494538225428

Example below, for a full description of the arguments that can be passed to this function see cognite-sdk-python.

def handle(data, client, secrets, function_call_info):
    print(f"Hello from {__name__}!")
    print("I got the following data:")
    print("Will now return data")
    return data

Each function's folder contains requirements.txt. You can use that file to add extra dependencies that your code is depending on. By default, you have a newer version of cognite-sdk installed, but it doesn't hurt to be specific here!

Example requirements.txt file


Private Dependencies: You can include private packages (dependencies which are not published to by building and adding the wheel to the function folder. You can build a wheel by running the following command inside your private package root directory

poetry build

This builds a wheel and source for your private package inside a dist directory. Copy the *.whl and put it inside your function folder.

Finally, you specify the dependency as shown above function/my_private_package-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl. Note that function/ is not a placeholder. For more information about wheels see What Are Python Wheels and Why Should You Care?


  1. If you create the requirements.txt by using poetry, you must set the option --without-hashes as Azure does not support hashes in the requirements.txt file.
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
  1. For CDF on Azure, certain packages are already installed and need to be excluded from the requirements.txt file. As of October 2023, these packages are:
    • azure-functions
    • azure-identity
    • azure-keyvault-keys
    • azure-storage-blob
    • cryptography

See more information at

If you are using pip, you can achieve this with the --exclude flag:

pip freeze --exclude azure-functions --exclude azure-identity --exclude azure-keyvault-keys --exclude azure-storage-blob --exclude cryptography


You can find the corresponding folder in tests, tagged with unit for each function. Unit tests are supposed to validate the behaviour of your handle function, without the need for actual deployment. Good coverage of tests will speed up your deployment and ensure that your logic behaves as expected if someone decides to make any change.

  • Each test folder for function contains with predefined fixtures and helpers to accelerate your test development.
  • Each test folder may have an infinite number of files with tests. You can separate all tests into different files based on your favourite classification
  • When you create a PR, by default, each function runs its corresponding unit-tests and any tests in the common/shared folder.

Run tests locally

To run all unit tests for the function example_function2 locally, execute the following command in your terminal:

$ PYTHONPATH=example_function2 poetry run pytest tests/example_function2 -m "unit"

Run code locally

To run code locally, you may create a file to handle the creation of the Cognite client (and potentially data/secrets etc.) before passing that/those into your handle function that you simply import (like any other function). You (probably) also need to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to the root directory you are running from (this is mostly to make sure the common_folder works as expected!):

$ PYTHONPATH=. poetry run python example_function2/

Code quality and style check

This template uses a list of style checks you will need to pass to merge your PRs to any branch. These checks help keep code clean and make sure it looks the same across Cognite repositories.

Run all checks locally

To run all checks locally - which is typically needed if the GitHub check is failing - e.g. you haven't set up pre-commit to run automatically:

$ poetry run pre-commit install  # Only needed if not installed
$ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Build and deployment

The template uses GitHub Actions to perform Code quality and Deployment operations. All workflows are located in the .github/workflows folder.

  • code-quality.yaml Runs all code-quality checks and ensures the style, linting, basic static analysis
  • deploy-functions.yaml Responsible for your PR deployment to customer environment(s)
  • deploy-pr.yaml Responsible for running tests / verification on Pull Requests

The functions to be deployed are defined in the workflow yaml using the deploy_folders array variable for the generate-matrix workflow. Functions are only deployed if the pushed changes modified any files inside the function folder. In case you only modify code outside the function folders, such as tests, then the deployment won't run.

Important The way changes are picked up is by diffing vs the previous commit, thus you risk functions not deploying unless you always squash to master. You can control this behaviour in the GitHub repo settings, see ## Getting started for how to change GitHub repo settings to enforce squash commits.

In addition, trigger_deploy_all_folders is an optional array variable that specifies the folders with common dependencies. If specified then updates to the files in those folders will trigger deployment of all the functions in deploy_folders.

Note: the input variables are defined as bash arrays and the shown syntax including indentation is required.

name: Deploy Function to CDF project using OIDC
      - master
    uses: "./.github/workflows/generate-matrix.yaml"
      deploy_folders: "example_function1, example_function2"
      trigger_deploy_all_folders: "common"

Each workflow consists of a series of sequentially executed steps. As an input to the workflows, you will need to provide parameters per each function in function_config.yaml.

Note: If the deploy-function.yaml workflow fails after you have merged to master, you can check out the tab Actions in GitHub, where you will it. Here you can drill down to find the cause - and if it is unrelated to your code changes, simply do a re-run.


All client secrets must be stored as GitHub secrets. All secrets should be organized in github environments, and the following should be defined:

  • DEPLOYMENT_CLIENT_SECRET should contain the client secret for the service account used at runtime when running on a schedule.
  • SCHEDULES_CLIENT_SECRET should contain the client secret for the service account used at runtime when running on a schedule.
  • Super-pro-tip: By having multiple environments you can support more than one target CDF project!

Adding extra secrets to specific functions:

  • In order to make secrets available to a specific function and environment, you need to add it as a Github Secret in your repository with a specific name:
EXTRA_SECRETS_{ your function name }

Example, for function folder example_function2:


These additional secrets require a bit of special care. You must follow these steps precisely: Link to secrets README

Why is this secret stuff so complicated?

The short answer is: because GitHub asks us to:

To help ensure that GitHub redacts your secret in logs, avoid using structured data as the values of secrets. For example, avoid creating secrets that contain JSON or encoded Git blobs.

Configuration of functions

The configuration of the function is split into 3 different configuration files in addition to the schedules configuration The function configuration files for my_cognite_function would be:

┣ 📜function_config_???.yaml - Global configuration for all functions for ??? env (e.g. dev, test, prod).
 ┣ 📜function_config.yaml - Configuration for the function
 ┣ 📜function_config_???.yaml - Configuration for the function for ??? env (e.g. dev, test, prod)
  • common/function_config_???.yaml Is applicable for all functions for the specified ??? environment. This file would normally contain information like schedules_tenant_id.
  • my_cognite_function/function_config.yaml This is a configuration file that is applicable for the function for all environments. Most configuration would be here.
  • my_cognite_function/function_config_???.yaml This is a configuration file that is applicable for the function for the ??? environments. Typically at least data_set_id would reside here.

If same key is found in different configuration files, the last read will be applied. The GitHub action reads these configurations in the order specified here. Client secrets are stored as secrets in GitHub under DEPLOYMENT_CLIENT_SECRET and SCHEDULES_CLIENT_SECRET.

Continuous Deployment

Most customers will require you to have more than a single project. Often we have two: development and production, some customers have up to 4: dev, test, pre-prod, prod. In order to support that, we need to have a process with formal gatekeepers and approvals. GitHub doesn't support tag protection but has environment and branch protection mechanisms with PRs as gatekeeping.

Option 1- environment protection:

In github environment settings configure environment protection rule to only allow deployment from protected branches and set reviewers required to approve running workflows on the environment.

Option 2- branch protection:

To use branch protection to control deployment it is advised to create a separate github action deploying the given branch to the environment(s) desired. For that purpose, deploy-functions.yaml has a specific branch (eg. master) that triggers the action (this can actually be a list, but please create another workflow file for that!). In addition to that your function name receives branch name as a suffix, so you can deploy them separately. For example deploy-functions-test.yaml.

If you want to support more than one deployment (by default we only deploy and keep the content of main branch) you need the following:

  1. Create a new separate workflow file for the new environment and name it accordingly, i.e. deploy-function-test.yaml if it should run on merges to the test branch. You then need to modify it so that all occurrences of master are changed to test.
  2. Create new GitHub environments with required secrets.

How to use it

Create a repository with this template

First, click the green "Use this template" button to create a repository from this template.

Getting started

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your newly cloned repo.
  2. Only allow squash commits: GitHub Repo Settings → Pull Requests → Check Allow squash merging and uncheck Allow merge commits and Allow rebase merging. See Build and deployment for details, in short, changes are detected based on comparing current to last commit which is only valid with squash commits.
  3. Run poetry install
  4. Run poetry run pre-commit install image

Modify the template

  • You must rename the function folders, i.e. example_function1 to better describe what it will be doing/solving. These function folders end up as part of the function external ID, so please don't hold back to avoid name conflicts.
  • Do whatever changes you want to do in the functions folders. You can create as many functions as you want in one repository.
  • Remember to update function_config.yaml with relevant parameters per function, for example owner or description, or maybe cpu and memory if you need more (or less) power!
  • Go into Settings in your repository to create the secrets. You need the client secrets you created as part of the prerequisites. Add them!

Once you have modified the functions and added secrets, modify the files in .github/workflows. These are the things you will have to modify:

  • List of functions (deploy_folders input to generate-matrix)
    • Only the function folders listed in the workflow file(s) will be deployed. You therefore must keep it updated with any changes to the folder names.
  • Optionally, trigger_deploy_all_folders

Refer to Build and deployment section for explanation of the workflow variables.

For more details on how to set up your workflows to deploy to Cognite Functions, please see the function-action-oidc repository.

I have a question

There will be questions. Crowdsourcing is required. Use issues, or if you are an internal Cognite employee, you can also hit us up on slack on #help-functions.


A template repository to deploy functions using OIDC



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