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This is the final project from the apprentices from October to January 2019-20, this tool allows a better overview on the mentor/mentee relationship and track the meeting that they are having.

Tech stack

Back-End (Java):

  • Spring Boot
  • JUnit4
  • RestAssured
  • Maven


  • React.js
  • Jest and Enzyme


  • AWS
    • EB
    • RDS
  • Docker
  • CircleCI


To build the project in your localhost, you need to build the front-end application to package it. After this we package our back-end, and then run our .jar file.

to do this run the file.

Now you can go to http://localhost:8080/ and the app will be deployed.

note that this steps can be found in the Dockerfile.

Frontend dev development

If you're only working on the frontend, you won't need to redeploy the entire application on every change. You can deploy the backend one and start a dev server that will hot reload the frontend code for you.

  • ./
  • npm --prefix front-end start

The app will now be accessible on http://localhost:3000

AWS Deployment

In order to deploy to AWS from your local machine, you need to run aws configure and setup the credentials that can be found on BitWarden.
Then you can run the deploy script:

./ integ

The artifact will be generated locally and pushed to AWS. Folders such as front-end/build and target will be cleaned before the build.

If you already built the artifact and want to deploy it to multiples environment, you can use append --no-build to skip the build.


By default, the application uses an in-memory database. If you want to persist the data, you first need to add an RDS (or any other similar service).

The database url is set in The database credentials properties are defined in also but the values are from environment variables.

In the elasticbeanstalk environment configuration, you need to set database credentials and also SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE, in order to use the config file.

Frontend formatting with VS Code

To format the project and the files acording to the agreed convention, you'll need to download prettier extention. Follow this guide to do it, after the extention is downloaded, you'll have to manually save the files to trigger the format cmd+S

OAuth Client ID

The client ID for oauth is located at two different locations:

  • App.js - GoogleLogin component