CDWordList is a prefix trie that loads in a list of words from a file, and can determine if a given input string matches any string in that file. ASCII only. Use for word games etc.
Create the CDWordList object
CDWordList * wordList = [[CDWordList alloc] initWithFilePath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"word_list" ofType:@"txt"]];
Determining if a string is in the word list
#pragma mark - CDWordList methods
- (BOOL)isWord:(NSString*)word;
Create a CDWordList object from word_list.txt in the main bundle of the app. The included English Open Word List (EOWL) contains about 128k words.
CDWordList * wordList = [[CDWordList alloc] initWithFilePath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"word_list" ofType:@"txt"]];
[wordList isWord:@"irregardless"]; //returns NO
[wordList isWord:@"regardless"]; //returns YES
Word list
The included word list is the English Open Word List (EOWL).
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