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- 3h ahead - https://www.undp.org/
- https://medium.com/@kisacafeye
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Staj yeri arayan öğrenciler ile kurumları birleştiren repo. Dayı aratmayan repo. [3.yıl]
🤖 GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js
Kodluyoruz için Hazırladığım Video Eğitim Seti Repo'sudur. Tüm Eğitimlerime: https://linktr.ee/hakanyalcinkaya adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Client-side and Server-side Watershed Delineation Implementations for Web-based Systems
Personal experimental project to implement clustered shading with WebGPU.
A simple software rasterizer running on a WebGPU compute shader. Built for educational purposes.
Toy path tracer using WebGPU RT
Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~1500 lines of vanilla Javascript.
WebGPU XPBD Cloth Simulator Project to accompany guides on www.carmencincotti.com
This project is the management system for communication between students and academician.
This project is the management system for communication between students and academician.
Türkiye'de Gerçekleşen Depremleri Barındıran Api Servisi
Kandilli rasathanesinin son dakika depremler ve tarihe göre deprem listesi için ara API (last minute earthquakes in turkey)
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
A simple but interesting Guessing Game made with JavaFX.
Example game using JavaFX, with how-to-code. Easy to modify to play other games.
The New York Times Spelling Bee clone desktop game written in Java by using JavaFX and MVC design pattern
🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.