- Try implement to mobile flutter inspired by AbySharma999
- This project using rasa2 and python 3.8.5 with pip3
- $virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./rasaku
- open your editor. Maybe like vscode or pycharm. It's up to what editor you're using the important thing can be.
- In the editor you use the python environment with venv that you created earlier.
- run in your terminal editor.
- $pip3 install rasa
- or if you using PyCharm, open python interpreter in setting => add(+) and install the rasa packages
*open your Editor for run RASA NLU.
running your rasa custom actions.
a. $rasa run actions
enable your rasa api model.
b. $rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*” --debug
*finally test your assistant in your Flutter Mobile.
open ngrok. path/to/ngrok/folder in your terminal
run ngrok.
$./ngrok http 1234 <= (change 1234 with the port number used when you activate the api model before. (Command at step b). Look in the your terminal editor)
*Open the Flutter project
copy the ngrok url in your terminal. And put in Flutter Project => lib/pages/ChatPage.dart. for example (http://4d5b6c6f28be.ngrok.io/webhooks/rest/webhook) (/webhooks/rest/webhook) is parameter from rasa for testing rest api your rasa model.
Dont forget activate connections and recording permissions in your phone
And this project I just try in Mobile Android, Not yet on iOS
- A new Flutter project.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
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