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An easy-to-use UI component to display brief, transient messages to the user.


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An easy-to-use UI component to display brief, transient messages to the user.

This framework allows you to add transient in-app messaging to your application. Multiple messages will stack using fluid animations. Messages can be fully themed and set to either expire after a specified time interval or to remain on-screen until dismissed.

Snackbar demo animation


Y—Snackbar is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


Documentation is automatically generated from source code comments and rendered as a static website hosted via GitHub Pages at:



A Snack is a model that represents a floating ephemeral alert or message to be presented to the user. It consists of the following:

  • alignment: Alignment for the snack view. Default is SnackbarManager.defaultAlignment.
  • title: Title for the snack view. This is an optional string and the default is nil.
  • message: Message to be displayed by SnackView. This is of type String.
  • reuseIdentifier: A string for identifying a snack. This is of type String? and the default is nil.
  • icon: A small image to be displayed as part of the snack view. This is of type UIImage? and the default is nil.
  • duration: The total duration for which the snack will be displayed. The default is 4 seconds.
  • appearance: Sets the appearance of the SnackView. The default is .default.
  • voRequiresInteraction: voice over interaction require. The default is 'false'

Two snacks are said to be equal if either the reuseIdentifier of both snacks are equal or the title and message of both snacks are equal. This is made possible by the snack’s conformance to both Equatable and Hashable.

💡 If the snack duration is .nan or .zero then the snack lives forever (until you swipe to dismiss it)


A SnackView is a view that will be presented to the user through the SnackbarManager. The content of the view is populated using a Snack model object. It has one initializer:

  • init(snack: Snack)
    • Initializes a SnackView using the snack data model.

Clients can modify or set the appearance of the SnackView while creating a Snack by setting the appearance. This will allow the client to modify the following properties:

  • title:
    • A tuple consisting of textColor and typography for the title label.
    • Default is (.label, .systemLabel.bold) .
  • message:
    • A tuple consisting of textColor and typography for the message label.
    • Default is (.label, .systemLabel) .
  • backgroundColor:
    • Background color. The default is systemBackground.
  • borderColor:
    • Border color. The default is .label.
  • borderWidth:
    • Border width. The default is 0.
  • elevation:
    • Elevation (also known as box shadow). Default is Appearance.elevation.
  • layout:
    • Layout properties such as spacing between views, corner radius. Default is Layout().

How to get SnackView from a Snack?

func getSnackAssociatedView() -> SnackUpdatable


  • Any object that can be updated with a new Snack model object.
  • SnackView uses this to update an existing view with new information.


All snacks are managed by the SnackbarManager.


  • defaultAlignment
    • It is a global mutable shared state.
    • Describes the default alignment of the snack view.
    • Default is .top


  • class func add(snack: Snack)

    • Creates a snack view using the snack passed as an argument to display a snack.

    • Depending on the alignment, duplicate snacks will be updated and pushed to the bottom or top.

  • class func remove(snack: Snack)

    • Removes a snack view using the snack passed as an argument. The SnackContainerView will be dismissed after the last snack is removed.
    • There are 3 ways by which you can remove a snack. They are as follows:
      • By calling class func remove(snack: Snack) operation.
      • When the snack has completed its duration
      • Swiping it up or down to dismiss.

Clients can control or modify the animation duration, spacing, etc of the SnackbarManager by setting the appearance property which is of type SnackbarManager.Appearance. This will allow the client to modify the following properties:

  • addAnimation:
    • The animation to use when adding a snack.
    • The default is a spring animation with duration of 0.4
  • rearrangeAnimation:
    • The animation to use when rearranging two or more snacks.
    • The default is an ease in, ease out animation with duration of 0.3
  • removeAnimation:
    • The animation to use when removing a snack.
    • The default is an ease out animation with duration of 0.3
  • snackSpacing:
    • Spacing between the snacks
    • The default is 16.0
  • contentInset:
    • The distance the content is inset from the superview.
    • The default is 16.0
  • maxSnackWidth:
    • Maximum width of a snack view.
    • Helps to keep a fixed width for a snack view on an iPad screen.
    • The default is 428.0

Default Features

Every snack added has the following default features:

  • corner radius based on appearance
  • shadow based on appearance
  • swipe enabled to dismiss snack view


  1. Importing the framework

    import YSnackbar
  2. Create a snack

    func makeSnack() -> Snack {
            alignment: .bottom,
            title: "Network Reachable",
            message: "You are currently online.",
            reuseIdentifier: "",
            icon: UIImage(named: "wifi"),
            duration: 8.0
  3. Add a snack

    // Creates a snack using `SnackbarManager.defaultAlignment = .top` 
    let snack = Snack(message: "No network")
    // Adds to the top of the screen
    SnackbarManager.add(snack: snack) 
    // Creates a snack with bottom alignment
    let snack = Snack(alignment: .bottom, message: "Copied to clipboard")
    // Adds to the bottom of the screen
    SnackbarManager.add(snack: snack) 
    // Set `SnackbarManager.defaultAlignment` to bottom
    SnackbarManager.defaultAlignment = .bottom
    // Creates a snack using defaultAlignment.
    let snack = Snack(message: "Copied to clipboard")
    // Adds to the bottom of the screen
    SnackbarManager.add(snack: snack) 
  4. Remove a snack

    let snack = Snack() 
  5. Create a custom Snack

    final class ImageSnack: Snack {
        convenience init(named: String) {
            self.init(message: named, reuseIdentifier: "")
        override func getSnackAssociatedView() -> SnackUpdatable {
            SnackImageView(snack: self)
    final class SnackImageView: UIImageView {
        private(set) var snack: Snack
        required init(snack: Snack) {
            self.snack = snack
            super.init(image: UIImage(named: snack.message))
        required init?(coder: NSCoder) { nil }
        private func setUp() {
            self.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
    extension SnackImageView: SnackUpdatable {
        func update(_ snack: Snack) {
            self.image = UIImage(named: snack.message)
            self.snack = snack


Y—Snackbar depends upon our Y—CoreUI and Y—MatterType frameworks (both also open source and Apache 2.0 licensed).


You can add Y—Snackbar to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Add Packages...
  2. Enter "" into the package repository URL text field
  3. Click Add Package

Contributing to Y—Snackbar


SwiftLint (linter)

brew install swiftlint

Jazzy (documentation)

sudo gem install jazzy


Clone the repo and open Package.swift in Xcode.

Versioning strategy

We utilize semantic versioning.




Branching strategy

We utilize a simplified branching strategy for our frameworks.

  • main (and development) branch is main
  • both feature (and bugfix) branches branch off of main
  • feature (and bugfix) branches are merged back into main as they are completed and approved.
  • main gets tagged with an updated version # for each release

Branch naming conventions:




Pull Requests

Prior to submitting a pull request you should:

  1. Compile and ensure there are no warnings and no errors.
  2. Run all unit tests and confirm that everything passes.
  3. Check unit test coverage and confirm that all new / modified code is fully covered.
  4. Run swiftlint from the command line and confirm that there are no violations.
  5. Run jazzy from the command line and confirm that you have 100% documentation coverage.
  6. Consider using git rebase -i HEAD~{commit-count} to squash your last {commit-count} commits together into functional chunks.
  7. If HEAD of the parent branch (typically main) has been updated since you created your branch, use git rebase main to rebase your branch.
    • Never merge the parent branch into your branch.
    • Always rebase your branch off of the parent branch.

When submitting a pull request:

  • Use the provided pull request template and populate the Introduction, Purpose, and Scope fields at a minimum.
  • If you're submitting before and after screenshots, movies, or GIF's, enter them in a two-column table so that they can be viewed side-by-side.

When merging a pull request:

  • Make sure the branch is rebased (not merged) off of the latest HEAD from the parent branch. This keeps our git history easy to read and understand.
  • Make sure the branch is deleted upon merge (should be automatic).

Releasing new versions

  • Tag the corresponding commit with the new version (e.g. 1.0.5)
  • Push the local tag to remote

Generating Documentation (via Jazzy)

You can generate your own local set of documentation directly from the source code using the following command from Terminal:


This generates a set of documentation under /docs. The default configuration is set in the default config file .jazzy.yaml file.

To view additional documentation options type:

jazzy --help

A GitHub Action automatically runs each time a commit is pushed to main that runs Jazzy to generate the documentation for our GitHub page at: