simple_log provides is a simplistic wrapper for python 'logging' module. It is supposed to be used as a drop in replacement for "print" for people who cannot be bothered to set up proper logging.
It allows logging for any type and count of messages but sacrifices being able to pass arguments in methods 'debug'/'info', etc..
Its methods are NOT interchangable with those in 'logging' module but follow a close resemblance.
simple_log can be used withoud creating a logger object.
By default it's configured in a 'DEBUG' level and no logger name is printed.
In this case it aligns the level names
import simple_log as slog
slog.debug("This is a debug message")
slog.warning("Something might be wrong")
> DEBUG: This is a debug message
> WARNING: Something might be wrong
Any number of arguments is converted to a joined string message.
class Bar(object):
def __str__(self):
return "a Bar", 'on route', 22)
> INFO: a Bar on route 22
You can use custom logger names or classes instead of names.
You can also pass levels as strings.
class Foo(object):
log1 = slog.get_simple_logger('Some Big Name', 'INFO')
log2 = slog.get_simple_logger(Foo, 'ERROR')
log3 = slog.get_simple_logger('an unreasonably big name')"The earth has", 1, 'moon(s)')
log2.critical('Everything blew up!')'Indentation is messed up by big names)
>[ INFO] Some Big Name: The earth has 1 moon(s)
>[CRITICAL] Foo: Everything blew up!
>[ INFO]an unreasonably big name: This will mess indentation up
By defining a filename, the the logger will also print to a file.
The loggin level of the file output is fixed to 'DEBUG' (for now).
The output format is also fixed (for now).
afile = "my_file.log"
log6 = slog.get_simple_logger("also-in-file1", logfile=afile)
log7 = slog.get_simple_logger("also-in-file2", logfile=afile)"This will be printed in a file")"This will also be printed in a file")
>[ INFO] also-in-file1: This will be printed in a file
>[ INFO] also-in-file2: This will also be printed in a file
in file 'my_file.log':
Jan22 17:56:05 [ INFO] also-in-file1: This will be printed in a file
Jan22 17:56:05 [ INFO] also-in-file2: This will also be printed in a file
You can also avoid printing levels in the output messages.
log4 = slog.get_simple_logger("No-level-logger", show_level=False)
log5 = slog.get_simple_logger("No-level-logger", show_level=False)"<- no level there")
log5 = slog.get_simple_logger("Foobar", show_level=False)"indentation still OK")
>No-level-logger: <- no level there
> Foobar: indentation still OK
as root, or with sudo:
$python install