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Payment Order Processor Service

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker which accepts and forward the messages. AMQP is a standard protocol for interoperability between messaging middleware. AMQP main characteristics are: Security, Reliability, Interoperability, Open standard.

  • Producer publish message to the Exchange.
  • Exchange redirects the message to the Queue based on Routing Key.
  • Routing Key works as binding key between Exchange and Queue.
  • Consumer receives the message from the Queue.


  • Direct Exchange sends message to the queue where routing key = binding key.
  • Fanout Exchange sends message to all the bound queues.
  • Topic Exchange sends message to the multiple queues where routing key partially matches with binding key.
  • Header Exchange sends message to queue based on header property key value instead of routing key. Routing key not required while binding.
  • Default Exchange sends message to queue where routing key = queue name. No need to mention exchange while sending message. Its nameless exchange.
  • Dead Letter Exchange: If no matching queue is found then the message is silently dropped. RabbitMQ provides this Amqp exchange which captures the messages that are not deliverable.

Install RabbitMQ Server on Windows:

Guide to install and configure RabbitMQ on Windows

  1. Check ERlang and RabbitMQ compatible version
  2. Download and install ERlang

  1. Download and install RabbitMQ

Run RabbitMQ Server on Windows:

  1. Go to RabbitMQ Server install Directory sbin folder C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-x.y.z\sbin
  2. Run command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. Access RabbitMQ Management Dashboard
  4. Login as guest user with guest password

Install RabbitMQ Server using Docker and Docker-Compose:

Check docker and docker compose version installed. Create a docker compose file and run command docker-compose up to download and install rabbitmq docker image.

$ docker -v $ docker-compose -v $ docker-compose up


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