RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker which accepts and forward the messages. AMQP is a standard protocol for interoperability between messaging middleware. AMQP main characteristics are: Security, Reliability, Interoperability, Open standard.
- Producer publish message to the Exchange.
- Exchange redirects the message to the Queue based on Routing Key.
- Routing Key works as binding key between Exchange and Queue.
- Consumer receives the message from the Queue.
- Direct Exchange sends message to the queue where routing key = binding key.
- Fanout Exchange sends message to all the bound queues.
- Topic Exchange sends message to the multiple queues where routing key partially matches with binding key.
- Header Exchange sends message to queue based on header property key value instead of routing key. Routing key not required while binding.
- Default Exchange sends message to queue where routing key = queue name. No need to mention exchange while sending message. Its nameless exchange.
- Dead Letter Exchange: If no matching queue is found then the message is silently dropped. RabbitMQ provides this Amqp exchange which captures the messages that are not deliverable.
Guide to install and configure RabbitMQ on Windows https://rabbitmq.com/install-windows.html
- Check ERlang and RabbitMQ compatible version https://rabbitmq.com/which-erlang.html
- Download and install ERlang https://erlang.org/download/otp_versions_tree.html
- Download and install RabbitMQ https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases
- Go to RabbitMQ Server install Directory sbin folder C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-x.y.z\sbin
- Run command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
- Access RabbitMQ Management Dashboard
- Login as guest user with guest password
Check docker and docker compose version installed. Create a docker compose file and run command docker-compose up to download and install rabbitmq docker image.
$ docker -v $ docker-compose -v $ docker-compose up