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Diego v0.1441.0

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@emalm emalm released this 12 Nov 10:06

Changes from v0.1440.0 to v0.1441.0

Significant changes

BOSH job changes


BOSH property changes

  • Replace diego.nsync.nsync_url with diego.nsync.listen_addr: This is now the address on which the nsync-listener listens for requests, instead of the URL other services use to communicate with the nsync-listener.
  • Replace diego.stager.stager_url with diego.stager.listen_addr: This is now the address on which the stager listens for requests, instead of the URL other services use to communicate with the stager.
  • Add diego.stager.staging_task_callback_url: This is the URL of the stager service, used to receive staging task completion callbacks from the BBS.
  • Add diego.tps.listener.listen_addr: Address on which the TPS listener receives requests.
  • Rename diego.cc_uploader.address to diego.cc_uploader.listen_addr.
  • Rename diego.file_server.address to diego.file_server.listen_addr.
  • Remove acceptance_tests.skip_ssh_without_plugin_tests: The Diego Acceptance Tests suite now uses only the core CF CLI, at version 6.13.0, and not the separate SSH CLI plugin.