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Apache-2.0 license


End points to set and get feature states

To utilise this library add this to your sbt build file

"dev.cjww.libs" % "feature-management_2.13" % "x.x.x"

Then add this to your application.conf

play.modules.enabled += "dev.cjww.modules.FeatureBindings"

users need to implement FeatureController

and finally, to be able to hit the routes add features.routes to your routes file

GET /feature/:feature

Example request:


Json response body:

//On Ok (200)
    "feature" : "example-feature",
    "state" : true //or false

GET /features

Example request:


Json response body:

//On Ok (200)
        "feature" : "example-feature",
        "state" : true
        "feature" : "example-feature-2",
        "state" : false

POST /feature/:feature/state/:state

Example request:


Json response body:

//On Ok (200)
    "example-feature" : true


To be able to hit the shuttering routes add shuttering.routes to your routes file and users need to implement shuttering controller

POST /service-shuttering/true

Hitting this route will shutter the service by setting the shuttered property to true

POST /service-shuttering/false

Hitting this route will unshutter the service by setting the shuttered property to false


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License