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Networking Introduction

Robin Gabriël edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

Chromely via CefGlue provides 2 different ways of Inter-process Communication (IPC) between the Renderer and the Browser.

  • Generic Message Routing
  • Ajax HTTP/XHR

These allow Chromely to receieve JavaScript requests initated by the Renderer, processed by the Browser (C#) and returned Json data response to the Renderer.

The configuration of an IPC workflow involves:

  1. Create a Controller class
  2. Register an Action or Command method in the Controller class
  3. Register the Controller class
  4. Register a scheme (http, custom, etc)
  5. Create a JavaScript request in the Renderer html

Action methods vs Command methods

  • An action is the normal way to do IPC. There is a request and a response.
  • Commands are fire-and-forget requests. As you might already have guessed, no response is returned.

More information on how to implement Command methodes.

1. Create a Controller class

Every IPC workflow requires a Controller class. The class must inherit ChromelyController.

public class CustomController : ChromelyController

2. Register an Action method in the Controller class

An action method can be registered in the custom controller constructor or as an attribute decorated method.

  • Constructor type
public DemoController()
	RegisterGetRequest("/democontroller/movies", GetMovies);
	RegisterPostRequest("/democontroller/movies", SaveMovies);

private ChromelyResponse GetMovies(ChromelyRequest request)

private ChromelyResponse SaveMovies(ChromelyRequest request)
  • Attribute decorated type
[HttpGet(Route = "/democontroller/movies")]
public ChromelyResponse GetMovies(ChromelyRequest request)

[HttpPost(Route = "/democontroller/movies")]
public ChromelyResponse SaveMovies(ChromelyRequest request)

3. Register the Controller class

The class CustomController must be registered. Registration can be done either by registering the Assembly where the class is created or registering via the Container

  • Registering the assembly class can be done in 2 ways:
  1. Adding the fullpath of the assembly in the configuration config file
"controllerAssemblies": [
  1. Adding it in the configuration object.
var config = new DefaultConfiguration();
config.ControllerAssemblies = new List<ControllerAssemblyInfo>();
  • Register the Controller class via the Container:
public class DemoChromelyApp : ChromelyBasicApp
    public override void Configure(IChromelyContainer container)
        container.RegisterSingleton(typeof(ChromelyController), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), typeof(CustomController));

4. Register a scheme (http, custom, etc)

For details on registering a custom scheme please see Custom Http Registration.

5. Create a JavaScript request in the Renderer html

To trigger an actual request, an event must must be set up in the HTML file.

A sample:

function getMovies() {
    var request = {
        "method": "GET",
        "url": "/democontroller/movies",
        "parameters": null,
        "postData": null
        request: JSON.stringify(request),
        onSuccess: function (response) {
    -               -- process response
        }, onFailure: function (err, msg) {
            console.log(err, msg);