- Fixed applying basic system settings by prompting for deletion.
- Fixed documentation.
- Added CCMenu defaults.
- Added Homebrew Casks install script.
- Added Homebrew DNS Crypt cask.
- Added Homebrew Handbrake CLI cask.
- Added Homebrew Ngrok cask.
- Added Homebrew Ranger formula.
- Added Homebrew Tig formula.
- Added Homebrew Yank formula.
- Added Homebrew Zoom cask.
- Added Visual Studio Code application install.
- Added Yarn Setup support.
- Added version release changes.
- Updated README semantic versioning order.
- Updated contributing documentation.
- Updated to Dotfiles 25.0.0.
- Updated to Ruby 2.4.1.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 6.3.0.
- Updated to Tor Browser 6.5.1.
- Updated to Trailer 1.5.4.
- Removed Homebrew Keybase formula.
- Removed Knox application install.
- Removed NPM Setup project support.
- Removed QL Markdown quicklook application install.
- Removed SurfEasy VPN application install.
- Removed Vivaldi application install.
- Removed scripted application installs (use Homebrew Cask instead).
- Refactored Homebrew software as Homebrew Formulas.
- Refactored QuickLook Plain Text to Homebrew Casks scripts.