(formerly ZOoTR Sim)
Simulate and practice Ocarina of Time Randomizer seeds
Assuming the last commit is more than ~2 minutes old, the main
branch of this repo has parity with the cojiro.app deployment.
This project uses Postgres to persist data. To run the server locally, you must point it at a Postgres server, typically one running on the same machine. See below for an example URL.
You must create a .env file with the following keys (sensible defaults shown). If you're missing them, the project won't start.
OOTRANDOMIZER_API_KEY= # api for the ootrandomizer service. at the time of writing this is NOT A PUBLIC API and there is no way to generate a key for yourself. at some point I will set up some kind of mock so people other than me can reasonably run the backend. until then you're on your own
JWT_SECRET=secret # key used to verify JWTs. it can be anything but it has to be something. crypto strength doesn't matter for a local setup
DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/cojiro?schema=public # postgres database url. note that postgres:PASSWORD is a username:password and will be different depending on your setup
$ yarn
$ yarn dev
$ npm install
$ npm run dev