VarSim: A high-fidelity simulation validation framework for high-throughput genome sequencing with cancer applications
See for help, downloads and webapps.
(if you are doing a fresh install)
virtualenv -p python2.7 pyvenv
source pyvenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
(if you just want to activate pyenv from installed location)
source pyvenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: VarSim requires that you activate the pyvenv before running! NOTE: Make sure you have bedtools installed in your PATH
./ \
--out_dir varsim_multi13 \
--reference /references/GRCh37/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
--regions opt/regions.bed \
--samples_random 1 \
--simulator_executable opt/ART/art_bin_MountRainier/art_illumina \
--simulator_options "-ss HS25 -sam -p -l 150 -f 20 -m 200 -s 10" \
--total_coverage 400 \
--force_five_base_encoding \
--lift_ref \
--loglevel debug \
--disable_rand_dgv \
--sampling_vcf /resources/dbsnp/20170403/All_20170403.vcf.gz \
--vc_num_snp 3000000 \
--vc_num_ins 100000 \
--vc_num_del 100000 \
--vc_num_mnp 20000 \
--vc_num_complex 20000 \
--vc_percent_novel 0.01