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Releases: chomes/dynamagic

V1.2 Release

20 Apr 06:53
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Based on feedback a major refactoring has been done on how some elements are handled.


  • Users will now parse in their own schema_template which will then generate a schema to be validated on the fly by the data model.
  • aws_region has been removed as a field from the system as it wasn't needed due to env variables picking that up
  • update_expressions will be auto generated by the system rather then hard coded

View the readme and test examples for dynamodb_client and validation for further details


09 Apr 17:26
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This is just a updated release with some minor changes:

What's been updated

  • Changed dynamodb_client to have the correct return to support lambda as it was status_code before when it should've been statusCode and message instead of body. This has been updated appropriately in all files and readme now.
  • Typing was not fully completed for some methods on the modules so this has been updated appropiately to be more explicit.

Version 1 release

02 Apr 10:27
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Version 1

After almost 2 months the first version of DynaMagic is released! This comes with a fully tested and easy way to do CRUD operations.

Using the you can do:

  • Adding an item
  • Get an item
  • Get all items (Doesn't fetch if you have multiple pages, more to come in time)
  • Update an item
  • Delete an item

What's next?

I plan to eventually do do query scans and perhaps do multiple pages deep scans of items over time
I also want to implement batch updating, creating and deleting for now I shall rest knowing that this is completed.

Thanos relaxes