Leiningen plugin to compile ChlorineJS to Javascript and Hiccup to HTML.
In your :plugins
Configure cl2c
in your project.clj
:cl2c {:named-build
{ ;; where to check for changes?
:watch ["src-cl2", "test-cl2", "node_modules"]
;; sometimes we don't want to compile all found files
;; but only some of them. Patterns can be combined together
;; with `and` and `or`.
:filter (or "src-cl2/" "test-cl2/")
;; - How the compiler figure out its output files from given input?
;; - It's surely a rule
:path-map ["foo" => "fu_out",
"bar" => "bah_out"]
;; where to find cl2 sources?
:paths ["node_modules/"]
;; what strategy to use?
:strategy "prod"
;; some files may take too long to compile. We need a limit
:timeout 2000
;; how are output files optimized?
;; available options: :advanced, :simple (default) and :pretty
:optimizations :pretty}}
Compile ChlorineJS files with:
$ lein cl2c once
$ lein cl2c once :some-names :named-build
or: $ lein cl2c auto
$ lein cl2c auto :some-names :named-build
Copyright © 2013 Hoang Minh Thang.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.