Swan cloud app written in React Native to accompany the Swancloud API. Get the an APK from the latest build in CircleCI.
Restarting the machine might be necessary between installation steps
- Setup React Native environment from here
- you dont have to install android studio. download sdkmanager from here (scroll all the way down to 'Command line tools only' section)
- sdkmanager docs
- Install NodeJS
- Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
- Connect android device with devmode on and run
yarn android
- To generate an apk run
yarn android:release
Trigger background fetch event
adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f com.swancloudapp 999
Find app pid by package (Android)
adb shell pidof com.swancloudapp
Get live logs on app (Android)
adb logcat --pid=<pid number here>