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chebee7i edited this page Jul 13, 2012 · 3 revisions

This repository provides the public releases of Vrui:

as a git repository. Although commit-by-commit logs are unavailable, this repository makes it possible to compare files between versions (and is necessary since the true Vrui repository is private). Whenever a new version of Vrui is released, do the following:

  1. Delete all files in repository directory.

  2. Extract new Vrui files in repository directory.

  3. Commit changes using something like "Vrui 2.3-002" as the first line in the commit. If there are release notes, include those below the first line.

  4. Create a new tag for this version of Vrui. For example:

    $ git tag -a 2.3-002 -m "Vrui 2.3-002"

  5. Push new Vrui and tag:

    $ git push

    $ git push --tags

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