Status script and configuration for Lemonbar and i3wm.
Configuration is taken from beautiful powerline setup by electro7.
Status feeder script is written completely in Python and uses i3ipc for most of the interaction with i3.
- Event-based, rather than periodically updated
- Multiple display output support
- Install lemonbar.
- Install i3ipc-python library.
pip install i3ipc
- Make sure you have terminus and terminesspowerline fonts installed. You can get them here.
- Clone this repo (e.g. to your .i3 directory).
mkdir ~/.i3/lemonbar && git clone ~/.i3/lemonbar
- Configure i3 to use Lemonbar. (this is just an exemple, all the color variables are hier "#rrggbb". you can use multiple color formating: [aa]#rrggbb (aa in hex), #rrggbb, #aarrggbb.
bar {
# default general config
id bar-0
position top
workspace_buttons yes
strip_workspace_numbers no
strip_workspace_name no
binding_mode_indicator yes
modifier $mod
# commands
i3bar_command "$I3C/lemonbar/ -t ,[c0]#000000,"
# font (the first is used for the text and the other for the icons)
set_from_resource $genfont bar.font -xos4-terminesspowerline-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1
set_from_resource $icofont bar.iconfont -xos4-terminusicons2mono-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-m-60-iso8859-1
font "$genfont,$icofont"
# separators used by the bar.separated by commas
# #powerline separators (warnig: make sure that the end of each line is empty):
set $sep_right
set $sep_left
separator_symbol "$sep_left,$sep_right"
colors {
background "[5F]$xbg"
statusline $xfg
# class name border background text
focused_workspace "[C0]$xbg" "[C0]$xbg" $xfg
inactive_workspace "[90]$xbg" "[90]$xbg" $c07
urgent_workspace "[90]$c01" "[90]$c01" $c07
binding_mode "[A0]$xbg" "[A0]$xbg" $c01