Some tools/notes for my pi2go robot
- Use https (test for perf) on Jupyter ?
- make the libs python3 compatible
- call back example
might be an issue ?
- sudo nano /etc/modules and add “i2c-dev” as the last line
- gpiocrust
- Handle clic, long clic, double clic (it's enough...)
- Handle simultaneous action trigerred
- extend this to other sensor ?
- Multithread for sonar event callback ? (distance < x)
- option to print stuff (event detected, functions called) for debug
- object oriented style
- robot.forward
- robot.step_forward
- robot.leds.front.light
- robot.leds.light
- robot.say
- scan the room
- follow a color
- programm some lights show with the button
- tirage au sort (roue)
- menu sur le lcd