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Num is a command line tool that provides number utilities for mathematics.
Num focuses on ease of use and common functions such as min, max, sum, var, stdev, etc.
num [ options ] [ file ... ]
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sum
$ echo "1 2 4" | num min max
1 4
$ echo "1 2 4" | num median mean
2 2.33333
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sum-of-squares standard-deviation
4.66667 1.24722
Help page:
- Examples
- Thanks
- When to use Num vs. other tools
- Command guide
- Programmers guide
- Known issues
- To do list, including ideas for future versions
Download the num
script to your own system, and put it somewhere you can run it.
Install using curl
curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/num
Install using wget
wget -O /usr/local/bin/num
If you use Mac OSX, then you also need GNU awk, such as:
brew install gawk --default-names
Caution: the project is new and is alpha quality, so give it a try, and don't use it for production until we have a 1.0 release in November.
If you have any issues with installation, please contact us directly or create a GitHub issue.
The roadmap includes a smoother safer installation process, using package managers such as apt
, yum
, brew
, etc. If you would like to help with these, please contact us directly or create a GitHub issue.
Numbers Functions:
all All the items.
first The first item.
last The last item.
n The number of items.
count "
length "
size "
minimum The minimum value.
min "
maximum The maximum value.
max "
range The range, which is maximum - minimum.
spread "
sum The sum.
total "
Statistics Functions:
mean The arithmetic mean a.ka. average.
average "
median The median.
med "
median-low The low median, i.e. lesser of two middle values.
med-low "
median-high The high median, i.e. greater of two middle values.
med-high "
mode The mode, which may be multiple numbers or UNDEF. TODO.
mode-low The least value of the mode values or UNDEF. TODO.
mode-high The greatest value of the mode values or UNDEF. TODO.
variance The variance.
var "
sum-of-squares The sum of squares (SS).
sum2 "
ss "
standard-deviation The standard deviation (SD).
stdev "
sd "
coefficient-of-variance The coefficient of variance (CV).
covar "
cv "
Input can use stdin or an input file:
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sum
$ echo "1 2 4" > data.txt
$ num sum data.txt
Input can use an input field separator (FS) and/or input record separator (RS):
$ echo "1,2,3;4,5,6" | num sum FS=',' RS=';'
Output can use an output field separator (OFS):
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sum min max mean OFS=','
Command line option dashes are optional, such as:
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sum-of-squares
$ echo "1 2 4" | num sumofsquares
If a value is unknown, or not a number, then it will print as "?". (#TODO)
$ echo "1 2 4" | num mode
Author: Joel Parker Henderson ([email protected])
License: GPL, BSD, MIT
Created: 2015-03-28
Updated: 2015-10-20
Version: 0.2.0