Instructor: Eunseo Choi
Time and Location: MWF, 10:20 - 11:15 am.
Contact: [email protected]
- Topical homeworks: 50 %
- Term project: 30 %
- Quizzes: 20 %
- To be arranged individually
- Chatting and meeting via MS Teams preferred
This course aims to enable students to understand the basics of the finite element method (FEM), a versatile numerical method for solving partial differential equations.
After taking this course, students will be able to use or modify as necessary the existing community finite element codes (e.g., CIG codes) for their geophysical research.
To achieve the goal, we will
review the fundamental governing equations in continuum mechanics,
have under-the-hood understanding of finite element method,
gain hands-on experience with common procedure and useful practices in computational research,
use one of the open-source FEM codes, possibly after modifications, for their term project.
No required textbook but parts of the references listed below will be used.\
Reference texts1
Continuum mechanics:
$^{\dagger}$ Tadmor, E. B., Elliott, R. S., and Miller, R. E. (2012). Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics: From Fundamental Concepts to Governing Equations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge - Holzapfel, G. A. (2000). Nonlinear solid mechanics : a continuum approach for engineering. Wiley, Chichester ; New York
- Malvern, L. E. (1977). Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Fundamental numerical techniques
$^{\dagger}$ Quarteroni, A., Sacco, R., and Saleri, F. (2000). Numerical Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, New York -
$^{\dagger}$ Zienkiewicz, O. C., Zhu, J. Z., and Taylor, R. L. (2013). The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals. Butterworth-Heinemann, 7th edition -
$^{\dagger}$ Ismail-Zadeh, A. and Tackley, P. (2010). Computational Methods for Geodynamics. Cambridge University Press -
$^{\dagger}$ Gerya, T. (2009). Introduction to Numerical Geodynamic Modelling. Cambridge University Press, New York
- Turcotte, D. L. and Schubert, G. (2002). Geodynamics. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2nd edition
$^{\dagger}$ Schubert, G., Turcotte, D. L., and Olson, P. (2001). Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge - Davies, G. F. (1999). Dynamic Earth: Plates, Plumes, and Mantle Convection. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
The web sites listed below will help you get familiar with the command line-based work environment and other useful tools for computational research.
How to work on a Linux(-like) system especially when you are new to it:;
search for tutorials with keywords "LPIC-1" and "exam 1" -
Lessons on BASH, Python and Git by Software Carpentry: -
Programming languages (C, Python, etc) and parallel computing (OpenMP, MPI, GPU etc)
Students carry out a reasonably small but non-trivial project relevant to the course's goal and objectives.
They should use GitHub to manage their projects and products as sharable and reusable resources.
A project topic will be decided individually based on students' interests and needs.
Possible topics:
Consider in a global-scale mantle convection model the effects of centrifugal acceleration in addition to the typical geocentric gravity
Reproduce and possibly improve a published work on computational methods.
Parallelize an existing code with a directive-based approach such as OpenMP and OpenACC and assess the performance improvement
Introduce recent advances in physics-informed neural networks (PINNs)
Week 2: Numerical toolbox - Principles of numerical mathematics
Week 3: Numerical toolbox - Interpolation: Lagrange polynomial
Week 4: Numerical toolbox - Interpolation: Piecewise Lagrange polynomal interpolation in 2D
Week 5: Numerical toolbox - Solving linear equations: Basic stability analysis and direct method
Week 6: Numerical toolbox - Solving linear equations: Iterative methods and conjugate gradient method
Week 7: Numerical toolbox - Solving linear equations: Krylov subspace methods. Solving non-linear systems
Week 8: Numerical toolbox - Approximating function derivatives: Finite difference and interpolation-based approach
Week 9: Numerical toolbox - Approximating function derivatives: Orthogonal polynomials and weight functions
Week 10: Numerical toolbox - Numerical integration: Gauss and Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula
Week 11: Basic finite element method - Examples of PDEs, Weak forms and variational principles
Week 12: Basic finite element method - Walkthrough with the Poisson eq. in 1D
Week 13: Basic finite element method - Extension to 2D and 3D
Week 14: Basic finite element method - Solving time-dependent PDEs
Week 15: Selected Topics
- Elastic deformation: Static and Dynamic
- Basic parallel computing
- Introduction to open-source codes: PyLith, ASPECT, FEniCS, or DES3D
$^{\dagger}$ means that the UofM Library has an ebook version. ↩