Registration related FAQs
- Where can I find all the rules for the participation?
- Who can participate?
- Can one register as an individual?
- Facing error while registering individually?
- How to create a team?
- How many people can join one team?
- Is it mandatory to have a team size of four people?
- Can one person be in different teams?
- Can I change my team name later?
- Can I change my team later?
- How to reset the password?
- How to join an existing team?
- How to find new team members?
- Can working students also join the challenge?
- Whom should we contact if we have login issues?
- If some of us do not find a team, will there be help to join other teams?
- How to join the GDSC MS Teams?
- What can you do if you were not able to confirm your account?
Competition related FAQs
- Why is it "up to value" of certain amount of Euro?
- Where do I find the notebooks from the Tutorials?
- Where do I find the videos for the Tutorials?
- Can we have the kickoff session PowerPoint?
- When do we receive access to the dataset?
- How many times can we re-submit our improved solution?
- Why do I have to rate battles?
- What to do if the automatic evaluation fails?
- My submission status says "In progress" for a long time
- Database credentials don't work
AWS Account related FAQs
- How can I access my AWS account?
- The Sagemaker studio error states: Failed to change instance; what should I do?
- When opening a Tutorial, the Sagemaker studio seems to be stuck in the state "Starting notebook kernel"
- AWS CLI doesn't work in sagemaker studio notebooks
- What is the weekly budget for AWS?
- Can we use any component of AWS once we get access to the environment?
- How to check AWS service expenses?
- How do you best collaborate with Sagemaker?
- Please refer to the Website T&C and Participation T&C mentioned on the
- All the rules are mentioned here. All the participants are requested to read them fully before signing up.
- Any employee of Capgemini or any Capgemini Group entity if they will still be employed by any Capgemini Group entity as on 30th September 2023 and are not serving their notice period
- Employees serving their probation are eligible to participate
- Interns/trainees as well as temporary/agency workers leased to any Capgemini Group Entity are not eligible
- Anyone involved with production (including the organization and monitoring) of the GDSC is not eligible to participate
- A GDSC Participant cannot apply or participate on behalf of another individual/person
Yes. Participants can join the competition either as an individual or as a Team. But first everyone needs to register on the website.
Participants joining alone, need to first register and then signup a Team with only themselves.
Participants joining in a team, must register individually on the website and then signup their team. One can use the MS Teams Channel created specifically to find teammates and co-ordinate.
- Error : "Signup failed: Pre-SignUp failed with error Error writing to database" - Please connect with Kanwal to rectify this issue
- Error : "Invalid link provided, please request a link again." error if you open the verification link from your Capgemini Laptop. Please ignore this message as your registration will be verified anyway.
- Go to
- Press the Login / Sign Up button in the top right
- Press Sign Up
- Fill out the Sign-Up form for registering individually.
- Don't worry if the following inofrmation pops up: Invalid link provided, please request a link again.
- Once you sign up you can form your team using the Portal page. You can either provide a new name and create a team or join an existing team using the Team ID.
- The website will be open to allow signups and Team registrations between 23rd September - 28th October
- The max. size of a team is 4 people.
- Yes, you can change your team later. Simply leave your current team and join a new one or make one yourself.
- No. The team size can be anywhere from 1 to 4 people. Four team members is encouraged, but if you check the hall of fame, you’ll find the teams with fewer people are also often very successful.
- No, a participant can only be part of a single team at a time and that team must have the participants Capgemini or Sogeti email address. The website will not allow the same participant i.e. email address to be added to another team simultaneously.
- No. The name given while creating the team would be considered as the final one.
- Click the "Forgot Password" button at the signup page
- Forgot Password page would be rendered.
- Paste your e-mail and click Reset password
- Fill the form and pass the verification code.
- Once the password is changed, you can log in using the new password.
- This can be done through the Portal. Provide the Team ID and send a request to join. Once the request is accepted, you will be part of the team.
- Check and leave a message on MS Teams
- Yes.
- Please write your login related concerns to the GDSC Teams channel. We appreciate your patience if you haven't received the confirmation email yet.
- You can find a team to join on the GDSC Teams channel.
- You can contact us via email and we will add you to the channel.
- Please check this link
- Based on the conversion rate/exchange rate, it might not be the full cash prize in Euro.
- You can find the notebooks in the GitHub repo
- You can find the videos on the resources page which will be visible after logging in.
- The PowerPoint presentation will be available on Teams. You would also find it on the resources page.
- Access to the dataset will be provided after the kick-off on September 30th.
- Check where did you get the credentials from. The correct version can be found in tutorial 2 and 3 that you can access via SageMaker or CodeCommit. Credentials in the video tutorial 2 are out of date!
- You can re-submit your improved solution as often as you want. However, because of this year's evaluation method there were introduced additional constraints. We need you as evaluators of battles of other participants' submissions and therefore your team has to rate a specific number of battles before a new submission. First two are free, for the third one requires 10 rated battles and the number grows from that value to a stable 50 battles per submission. The number of required battles for your team is displayed at the arena page.
- Since submissions are evaluated by competing on the arena and there is almost no automatic evaluation, this system had to be implemented because having a large number of submissions requires a lot of battles for adequate ranking.
- If the automatic evaluation fails that means your new submission did not answer correctly, timed out or another unexpected error occured. The reason is displayed on the the team's website:
- "Unexpected error" - this status means there were issues with starting the
script. Chceck your submission implementation andcreate_submission
function implementation. In some cases more specific error might occure:- Submission code error - this means that the app started but there was an error somewhere while executing your code.
- Endpoint unreachable - this means there is an error that stops the application from launching (the docker image works but the app is not responsive).
- "Timeout" - this status means that your submission failed to answer to at least one of automatic evaluation questions in time.
- "Incorrect answers" - this status means that at least one of the answers was not correct.
- "Unexpected error" - this status means there were issues with starting the
- Evaluation may take up to 1 hour. If the displayed status is "In progress" for a suspiciously long period of time, that being a few hours, please contact GDSC organizers.
How long does it take to get the AWS links or registration confirmation after the team registration has been done?
- The registration confirmation should be immediate, in case of any troubles we would appreciate your patience. The AWS accounts will be open after the kick-off on September 30th.
- Once you are part of a team, you can log in to your AWS accounts using the below credentials:
- Go to AWS access portal.
- Use your Capgemini email to log in (the same one used for registration in GDSC).
- You will receive an email from WAS to verify your identity.
- Once verified you can log in to your account.
- You can see the name of your account displayed on your team page.
- For future logins, you can directly click on
Error message:
- What a few minutes. The instance is currently starting or stopping. After around 5-10 min, you should be able to either use it or start it again.
- Please check the resources tab in the left pane of Sagemaker Studio for more information of your current instances.
- If you see the instance there, please make sure to select the kernel image first and afterwards the instance, if necessary.
When opening a Tutorial, the Sagemaker studio seems to be stuck in the state "Starting notebook kernel"
- It takes about 3-5 minutes to start a new kernel session so please be patient. If it wasn't loaded after 10 minutes, try to refresh your browser.
- If it still loads, try to shut down all running apps / instances.
- Reason: The image that we are using for the challenge doesn't support the AWS command line interface (cli) due to incompatible licenses in required packages.
- Workaround: Open an system terminal via the launcher. You can use the aws cli here. The filesystem is shared between all terminals / instances.
- The budget will by dynamic, depending on the number and activity of the teams.
- The initial budget is $50 per week, which will be revised a tad bit every week by the administrators.
- Your credit can get carry over for a month post which they would lapse.
- Not quite. You have access to everything you’ll need to build a successful solution. Services that are not required are disabled.
- On AWS Console, go to 'Billing' and click "Cost Explorer" on the left. You can see your cost summary after choosing "Launch Cost Explorer".
- Use some planning tool like trello or the teams planer to structure tasks. As long as you are in the ideation phase, use a different notebook for each team member. If you need branches, do one check out per team member. Then everybody works on their own directory.