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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This bug cannot be reproduced by maintainers and needs more information
A critical issue that must be resolved as soon as possible
This issue or pull request already exists
The issue concerns the graphical user-interface
Currently being worked on
This issue is unrelated to the application itself.
The issue concerns another part of the application
The issue concerns the parser or codecs
Any problems with the progress tracker
A tentative issue that may or may not be completed
Further information is requested
Improvements to the code that are not visible to the user.
Describes a feature that once worked but now doesn't.
The issue's problem is now resolved
A feature has been implemented, but no tests have been written for it yet
The issue concerns the text area
This issue cannot currently be resolved and depends on external dependencies to update.
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.