This is a brief introductory module to relational databases and SQL. It mainly targets people that are interested in learning SQL, and does not cover topics such as indexing, transactions, stored procedures, etc.
- Introduction to SQL from Khan Academy. Introductory course, with videos explaining the various aspects of SQL.
- W3Schools SQL: An introduction to SQL with hands-on examples
- Learn SQL and SQL: Analyzing Business Metrics: Two short, self-directed online course from Code Academy
- SQL Tutorial
- Learning MySQL: A useful textbook for those interested in learning more about SQL
- W3 Resource and SQL exercises
- Best practices for SQL: A set of useful guidelines for writing readable SQL statements.
- Kickstarter style guide
- Entities, Primary Keys, and Attributes
- Relations
- Cardinality: One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many
- Translating ER Diagrams to Tables
- SQL Statements for Creating Tables
- USE, DESCRIBE queries
- Selection queries: *, column, column AS, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT
- Where clauses: Boolean conditions, IN, BETWEEN, LIKE
- Aggregation queries: GROUP BY, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, ROLLUP
- Join queries: INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN
- Subqueries and Views