Link to Soap Scents app:
by Carole Tierney: github
- Javascript
- ExpressJS
- Node.js
- Mongoose
- Mongo DB
- CSS Grid
- Full CRUD
- 7 RESTful Routes
- placement of divs determined location - not grid?
- disappointed in array processing
- some CSS formatting
- footer grows and throws off other ratio sections
- fonts not the same on delete buttons
models on index page
home made lye calculator made with JavaScript
user authentication
users can store their own data based on authentication
pre-filled default values in new soap page
select true or false buttons
links to stores for ingredients to make money
how to videos of me making the recipes
additional fields!!! aka array!
link to another database with all products/costs to produce soap
% oil field next to ounces
mold size field
- buy buttons
- large text field for notes field
- hover effects of buttons/input fields
- table on new page
- As a user, I would like to add, update and delete my soap recipes
- As a user, I would like to be able to determine the correct amounts of Lye and Water needed based on my chosen oils
- As a user, I would like to save images of my soaps
- As a user, I would like to be able to purchase ingredients from this app
- Purchase ingredient links
- Lye detector
- styled readme
- used header and footer ejs partials
- used css grid
- used google maps
- used social icons
- used a table for editing
** 4/21/2023 Added Procfile
- Test Change on 4/22