Clone project of instagram
Click to watch the demo video.
- Language: JavaScript
- Library: React-Native,React-Navigation, Hooks, Axios, React-native-elements-SearchBar
- Styling: styled-components
- Project Setup: React Native Expo
Features 공통
- UI for Instagram login, feed, profile, and settings screens.
- Screen navigation using React-Navigation.
Login Screen
- button activation based on the input status of the ID and password.
Feed Screen
- Fetch feed photo data using Back-End API (
- Infinite scrolling for feed photos.
Upload Screen
- Camera access permission and photo capturing functionality.
- Creation and storage of photos in a specific folder when taken.
Profile & Setting Screen
- Menu search in settings screen
- Detailed post view
- "expo start"
- The project is optimized for iPhone 11 and Pixel 3.
You can find more detailed explanations and screenshots here.