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We went around the group and fed back learning from today.
Key points:
- Everyone has installed Unity and Visual Studio
- Nevercode looks promising for CI/CD
- Xunit looks a likely testing framework
- Some looked at basic C# tutorials
- Games can be built using Unity software and also from scratch using code - agreed to go with the latter for a better learning experience
Agreement on game features:
- Endless scrolling game
- Random maps generator
- Graphics (dragons/pirates)
- Scoring system (time)
- Scoreboard
- Clock
Moving forward for discussion in the Tuesday morning retro:
- create Trello tickets/user stories
Team is happy with the progress from yesterday
Danny has written a test using C#.
Team did a model of the different pages of the app.
- Log in page to have start and quit buttons
- Next page has countdown timer
- Next page is game screen
To start day with everyone doing an hour of individually learning C#
This afternoon team to work in pairs to spike character and landscape.
2pm standup to review progress
Retro at 4pm
Danny has test driven “Hello World”
Using [Fact] over a method flags that method at as a test
Need to match tests to the program via dependencies.
Group have made progress with learning C# (with some TDD understanding).
Plan for rest of the afternoon is to try and test drive the game in pairs/threes (Danny’s team to do the scaffold).
Key takeaways from session:
- Timebox sessions using the Pomodoro Technique to reduce distractions
- Do a mood check in each morning
- Rotate ownership of meetings
- Give structured feedback
- Be conscious of wellbeing
- Carl and Remy have coded a basic character that can jump..
- Danny, Jake and Chris connected to github and set up a deployment emulator for iOS and android.
To discuss next steps in the morning..
Session lead by Remy
Mood check in: everyone feeling good (7 and above)
- Homepage for iOS/android
- Basic game design done - ground and character
To Do:
- Count down page
- More work on character physics
- Obstacles
- Deployment onto hardware
- Leaderboard with database
- homepage
- 1 obstacle that continuously scrolls across screen
- game ends when hit obstacle
- ceiling
Not sure how to test at the moment.. Could test behaviour of objects
Plan for the day:
- Carl and Chris to look at game physics
- Remy and Danny to look at deployment
Lead by Jake
- Team have showed good persistence
- Everyone has gained a better understanding of C#
- Carl and Remy met their mum's for lunch
Areas to work on:
- Frustrating day..
- Tutorials not always helpful without context
- Unlikely to reach MVP we hoped for
- Need more guidance with Xamarin
- No tests..
Looking forward:
- Maybe start again
- Reconsider Xamarin
Mood check in (out of 5 - 5 being ecstatic):
- 4
- 4.1
- 4
- 4
- 0
Happy points:
- Have a working version of game with great images (via app called Gimp)
- Worked so hard that some members had to be forcibly removed from the building at 7:30pm
Areas to think about:
- Not deployed to phone
- No tests
Plan for today/tomorrow:
- Jake, Remy and Carl to link code to github
- Everyone to then have code on their machine
- Remy, Jake and Carl to research deployment (possibly directly from Unity)
- Danny and Chris to look at testing using Xunit
- Look at using an array to store highscores
- Dinner from 6pm
- Have costumes for demo day?
- charzard
- green x2
- amber
- green/amber
- Game has been deployed to phone - possible to put on Google Play store
- Tests - still issues
- Homepage - have Play and Options buttons plus flag image.
- Options page to change colour of dragon
- Tests - Danny, Chris and Carl to look at this
- Update readme with instructions to download app - Remy
- Add latest build to device - Remy/Jake
- Enter name to record score
- Leaderboard
- Homepage/options page - Remy/Jake
Lead by Carl
Mood check in: 3Happy, Medium, Medium/Happy,
- Countdown screen - Jake/Remy
- Testing - some progress..
- Game features - have some archers that fire arrows at the dragon.
- Improvement to archers and pirates - Carl
- Testing - Danny and Remy
Project To dos:
- Flag image on main page
- Scoreboard on game over screen
- Obstacles/arrows
- Soundtrack/sound effects
- Put on Play Store
(Minus Jake)
- Used Richter Scale
- everyone minor score
- Redesign of game with ghosts and ship and islands
- Ship floats
- Cannot get this to work on ghosts :(
- Leaderboard - use key value pairs
- Look into how to store game
- End game screen
- Testing - Remy proposed that we do via spreadsheet on each script
- Testing
- Moving ghosts
- Delay cannonball fire
- Particle effects on cannonball
- Storms/tidal wave
- Game over screen with leaderboard
- Update GitHub with latest version
- Leaderboard - Remy/Chris game over screen with leaderboard, enter name at start
Other thoughts:
- Pirate hats for Friday
- one sad
- one happy
- 2 medium/happy
- one sad/medium
- Received review from Sophie
- C# hashes are hard..
- Persistence is good
- Debug/tighten the loop
- Use git ignore/unity knowledge
Team golf on weds
- Shiny day - Remy
- Sunny Jim - Carl
- Sunny Jim - Chris
- Overcast with hint of shine - Jake
- Windy - Danny
- Delay cannonball fire
- Particle effects
- Moving ghosts
- Tidal wave
- Storms
- Leaderboard
- Update GitHub with wiki
- Trello - Carl to log in and Jake to assign tasks
- Xunit testing framework: https://xunit.net/docs/getting-started/netcore/cmdline
- 'Develop and Publish Flappy Bird in 3 Hours With Unity3D' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-GkNM8M5p8
- Unit testing xunit using Visual Studio Code - YouTube
- Basketball game, 34 min tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1eSQbW2adI&t=1806s
- Xunit download - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/dotnet-sdk-2.2.401-macos-x64-installer
- TDD BASICS WITH C# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4xhTq4qmC0